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Thursday, December 26, 2013

"If The Risk Is Low, Let Them Go": Elderly Prison Population Skyrockets Despite Low Risk To Society


  1. Now as the prison population ages and becomes costly sure just release them so we then have homeless convicts living on the streets! That's the same philosophy of 20 to 30 years ago when it was decided the mentally ill would be better off living in group homes! Now most of them are homeless on the streets of Salisbury. I worked at a rehab center on the shore and had to teach my children that NOT everyone in a wheelchair is a nice person! IE see the prisoner in a wheelchair in the video,,,the chair does not make him NICE! Another insane idea most are unaware of ,,,,once a convict serves his time,, and is to be legally discharged, he gets to decide if he wants to be discharged to his hometown for eg Baltimore City OR his choice is to be discharged where he served his time!!!!! So thats why there are so many on the Eastern Shore!

  2. But, but ECI brought jobs to the Eastern Shore.

    I would rather be without the jobs than have to put up with begging, criminal homeless people.

    I agree with 7:46 PM 100%.

    The best investment the city of Salisbury could make would be to put the homeless on a bus every time they are arrested and send them back to where they came from. If I remember correctly this is common practice in some cities.

  3. Some months ago this blog posted a country by country per capita comparison of incarcerated individuals.I think we were at the top of the list with the highest #s compared to population.Would there be a problem with using the countries with the least #s in their prisons as a model for ours?


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