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Monday, December 16, 2013

How The West Was Lost By The Selfie President

My bookshelves sag with encyclopedic volumes arguing that America and the West are in decline. But proving that a picture is worth a thousand books, the “selfie” seen ’round the world ends the argument.

It’s official — the government of the United States of Obama consists of boobs and bores and is led by a narcissist. It is no consolation that Great Britain joins us in racing to the bottom.

President Obama’s flirting with Denmark’s prime minister would be shameful on any occasion. That it happened at the memorial for Nelson Mandela only adds to the embarrassment.

But the “selfie” episode also symbolizes the greater global calamity of Western decline. With British prime minister David Cameron playing the role of Obama’s giggling wingman, the “look at me” moment confirms we have unserious leaders in a dangerously serious time.



  1. Our President is an Idiot and deserves no respect what so ever

  2. This behavior is what's to be expected of him. He's gross and always has been. His whole main focus when it came to women's issues were sex related-abortion/birth control.

  3. It all started with Bill Clinton's sex scandals.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It all started with Bill Clinton's sex scandals.

    December 16, 2013 at 11:34 PM

    lmao. come on man. You really think there were NO scandals before Clinton?

    There is almost ALWAYS a scandal with any president. Some get caught, some don't.

  5. 6:41 your right JFK was a bigger piece of trash than Obama just didn't get caught ,they would have destroyed him with today's media.


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