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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Houston Family Forced To Sell ‘Extreme Makeover’ Home Due To Taxes, Insurance, Report Says

A Texas family that received an "Extreme Makeover" home after getting hit by a Hurricane Ike is being forced to sell the home as a deep discount because taxes and the home's insurance is more than they can afford, The Houston Chronicle reported.

The Beach family said they were very happy with ABC's show but the homeowner told the paper that it's costing about $1,500 a month just on taxes and insurance. Larry Beach, who is raising four children with his wife, said "It is costing us more to live here than it would to sell it."

He said it has been a difficult decision. He is grateful that the community came together to put the house together, but the family has been trying to sell the house since February 2013. They even reduced the price from $700,000 to $535,000.



  1. This is par for course and is to be expected. Happens all the time. That show uses unsuspecting, down and out people. They've 'built' 2 around here and I found it disgusting the way local residents gathered like flies on crap to 'help.' They should be ashamed of themselves. Real true help would be to build the people good sturdy homes they can afford to not pay taxes, but heat and upkeep also and not something that sells a TV show.

  2. If that bunch had ever knocked on my door I wouldn't have answered.I could use some renovations,but not excessively like EM tends to do.I'm like 1:49.Good sturdy homes and leave it at that.

  3. This is sad because people would be anxious to get these renovations after a hurricane. But the inability to afford the taxes and insurance is like a Catch 22. The wisest choice is to sell the house - but it certainly doesn't make sense for EM to do renovations that the family could not afford to sustain.


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