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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holy Cow

When Reddit-user Rachel signed up for an online “Secret Santa” gift exchange, she had no idea who might pick her name. So, she was pretty surprised when she received a personal gift from the one-and-only Bill Gates. Rachel said she ripped open the package marked “To Rachel, From Bill” before realizing exactly which Bill had sent her a travel book and a stuffed cow. She then read the card, which was signed by the billionaire Microsoft co-founder, and included a picture of him holding her present for authenticity. Bill Gates wrote “My Secret Santa present to you is a cow! Don't worry – you will not have to build a barn. This cow will be given to a family in need, in your name, through Heifer International.” Rachel posted on Reddit that she was happy that a donation to charity was made in her name. She said, “I was so excited, the cause seemed really worthy and amazing, and it is the season of giving,” and she thanked Bill for the thoughtful gift. She also included an apology about the list of gift suggestions she posted for her Secret Santa. She wrote, “Sorry for the Apple iPad on my wish-list...that was really awkward.”

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