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Friday, December 20, 2013

Gansler: Maryland’s Health Exchange Reminds Him Of ‘Saturday Night Live’ Sketch

Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler (D) on Thursday compared the state’s troubled rollout of its online health insurance exchange to “a ‘Saturday Night Live’ skit.”

“It’s comical that it’s not working,” Gansler told reporters. “ It’s tragic for folks who don’t have access to health care.”

Gansler, a Democratic candidate for governor, has been highly critical of the role played by his rival, Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown (D), in overseeing the implementation of the federal health care law in Maryland. Brown co-chairs a council that has guided reforms in the state but has said he was not involved in the day-to-day operations of the exchange.


  1. It really doesn't matter what he says. He's running as a democrat. As an independent who has had enough of a one party state I would never vote democrat.

    So Mr. Gansler can posture all he wants - I will not vote for him.

  2. Except it's NOT FUNNY.

  3. He's a Democrat so he is a liar.

  4. Would you buy a used car from that slimeball?

  5. This MD "crew" all broke wine together. Having them now BLAME anyone but themselves simply no longer cuts it. Neither does vote for me because I'm short, or I'm black, or I'm a female is of any benefit.

  6. So now he trying to distance himself from the unaffordable health care bill he supported as a democratic communist...he has convinced this voter that he doesnt deserve a job in politics or that even knows what day it is......dems = NO MONEY FOR WORKING MIDDLE CLASS WAKE UP...

  7. Ohbama Crooked BastardDecember 20, 2013 at 10:03 PM

    Well, well Mr.Gansler you supported this Idiotic Bill before, so what happened now. We know Anthony is just OweMalley sidekick. So it seems we have bunch of Slimeballs from Godless Immoral Party of Democ-rats arguing about who is the biggest LIAR . Barry OhBama, GOT YOU BEAT BY FAR.

  8. This clown is just another MD POS. Lest ye forget this self entitled a$$hole used state police to taxi him around and demanded they run red lights or use dome lights and sirens just so he'd not have to conform. Another 'above the law' POS who deserves jail time.


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