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Friday, December 27, 2013

Foil Scam Ripping Off Gas Stations, Stores

Criminals have figured out another way to part you from your hard earned cash, this time it’s with aluminum foil.

That’s right, criminals are using this kitchen stand by to steal thousands of dollars from stores and gas stations in several states.

The FBI warns that members of African criminal enterprises are wrapping foil around "feed horns" the part of a satellite--usually found on the roof-- that captures and transmits the signal to credit card authorization systems. The foil blocks communication between banks and retail stores preventing validation of the transaction.

The criminals then use stolen credit cards to buy cigarettes and high value electronics. Stores commonly accept credit card transactions without validations. Supervisory Special Agent Vicki Anderson says store owners often don’t realize they’ve been ripped off until the criminals are long gone. “When they remove the blocker on the roof, they realize that it was a scam, and that credit card is never validated and the people have walked out the door with the merchandise and it's not been paid for,” she said.


  1. Gerald, retired Detroit copDecember 27, 2013 at 6:23 PM

    They also use foil to line coat pockets to foil,(never mind the pun), of the security scanner that is in place by the doors of most retail stores. They put stuff inside the foil lined pocket and the alarm can't read the little security thing because the foil blocks the radio waves.

  2. This is garbage. CCs use telephone lines in this century.

  3. Doesn't make much sense to me, the machine tells you immediately if the sale went thru or not.

  4. If true shoot the criminals.

  5. They say wrapping aluminum foil around your head also prevents aliens from reading your mind.

  6. Anonymous said...
    They say wrapping aluminum foil around your head also prevents aliens from reading your mind.

    December 28, 2013 at 10:51 AM

    Let me guess. You voted for Obama. Was I right? I knew it.

  7. 10.51, thank you for the levity. I, for one, have a sense of humor and a sarcasm gene!

  8. I just can't believe the criminals were African?


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