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Friday, December 06, 2013

Endangered Crustacean Could Delay Metro Plans In Maryland

(CNSNews.com) - The discovery of the tiny Hay's Spring amphipod, a federally protected endangered species, in the waters of Rock Creek Park could delay plans for the Purple Line train to be added to the D.C. Metro rail system.

According to the Rock Creek Conservancy, the amphipod is a ½-to1-inch colorless, eyeless crustacean that uses hairs to move about and find food. The Conservancy’s website also states that Rock Creek is the only place in the world that the amphipod is found.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that environmentalists claim the findings of the crustacean were omitted from the final environmental impact report on the proposed Purple Line.



  1. Haha... damn if that would stop my project. Your move MD.

  2. Hey, 216, you just slow the heck down, there. Those things are great deep fried. You stay away from my favorite food!


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