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Monday, December 02, 2013

Education: Let Down By Our Leaders

Many Americans feel abandoned, first, by the people officially in charge of education: National Education Association, Department of Education, National Council of Teachers of Math, National Council of Teachers of English, the Common Core Consortium, and another 20 groups with pretentious names and sly agendas. These groups have plotted, many suspect, to dumb down our public schools.

Parents have to grapple with the thought that our Education Establishment has deliberately devised reading methods (Whole Word) that make kids illiterate. They have dreamed up math instruction (Reform Math) that keeps kids from learning to multiply and divide. They’ve created teaching methods (Constructivism) that almost guarantee that children will not learn much factual knowledge.

If learning is taking place, elite educators have a knack for formulating new policies and practices that end up neutralizing those occasional bits of good news. For parents, it’s a Kafka thing. They’re in an endless labyrinth, and never find progress.

Not just the people officially in charge of education have let us down, but all the people who should be protecting us from these strange invaders. Where are the media of all kinds, where are the elite universities where is the Chamber of Commerce? Where’s the business community, where is the old money while they let the public schools subside into mediocrity? Where are the community leaders



  1. Another state with a mental disorder.

  2. this govt is intentionally dumbing down the general population. it makes them easier to control. surprise, surprise. thanks sjd

  3. those of us who saw this Many years ago got our children out of the failing government schools. we tried, to no avail to make changes, but NO ONE would listen in the inferior, less than stellar system.

    only thing we could do was home school, or choose a private school we could afford after making many sacrifices; like no eating out, 1 old car for everyone, 2nd hand everything and much more.

    we're better for it and our children and grandchildren are certainly better for it.

    it's all about choices; isn't it?


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