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Sunday, December 08, 2013

Don’t Give "Them" Any Video To Work With!

On YouTube you can see plenty of America’s finest being made to look like idiots — be smart because when we do senseless things, we only give the “anti-police crowd” more ammunition

If you haven’t heard, there are increasingly more and more “anti-government” and “anti-police” groups attempting to make police officer’s look like bullies, thugs, and even criminals.

The “open carry” movement is going beyond their demonstrations to prove their point, they are trying to make officer’s look like they don’t know the laws and generally try to start altercations. Keeping our cool and professionalism is a must, as hard as it is.

I know — I’ve been there.



  1. Good luck with that.

  2. lmao off what a joke, he's worried about the public's reaction to kops speeding. Hell I think the public is more worried about being harassed intimidated raped beat up and shot!

  3. Blogger ExSPD192 said...
    Plenty of haters on this sight.

    December 4, 2013 at 10:06 AM

    Even IF that is true, you and others make it sound like that's a bad thing, it is not. When cops do bad things, they should expect negative responses. And that is good, that is healthy.

    When people do not respond negatively to such abuses, that would be much worse than standing up and pointing out the errors cops make on a routine basis.

    If you or the other so called cops do not want to be hated, do not do what is immoral by enforcing immoral and unjust laws. Saying it's your job, you are just following orders, the law, whatever excuse you want to come up with, does not work, will not work and is UNACCEPTABLE.

    You guys can play the pity party all you want but it will not change how people view you and your abuses and illegal acts.

    That's what the cop in this article is trying to get across. It might be missed by you and others but eventually it will sink it.

    Cops themselves are responsible for the 'hatred' that is or is not directed at them. Complaining about people pointing that out, without changing your own actions, will get you nowhere.

    Do you want people to like you? Be likeable. Stop abusing your authority, authority you get from the people BTW. The people have every right, and duty, to complain, to resist, to use any force necessary to stop illegal orders and actions by cops.

    I know most cops do not read, much less follow, the constitution, whether it is the U.S. constitution or the various state constitutions. And that is PART of your downfall.

    You can call me a hater until the cows come home, I couldn't care less. I wear it like a badge of honor. Something other cops know nothing of, and I suspect maybe yourself.

    If you won't listen to us, you should at least listen to one of your own. It is really all your own doing. We just point it out and try to correct it. With a lot of resistance on the part of cops I will add.

  4. Its ok if media actually puts all the good stuff police do on a daily basis on tv/internet/news etc which vastly out weights all the negative. But that would sell papers or cause controversy.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Its ok if media actually puts all the good stuff police do on a daily basis on tv/internet/news etc which vastly out weights all the negative. But that would sell papers or cause controversy.

    December 4, 2013 at 11:44 AM

    That might have been true at one time in the distant past, but I highly doubt it now. When you FINALLY have cops speaking out against it, it's pretty rampant.

  6. "...there are increasingly more and more "anti-government" and "anti-police" groups....". Perhaps the writer should consider the underlying reason for that. And no one is "attempting" to make police look like bullies, thugs, and criminals -- they are doing THAT all by themselves. And it must be pretty obvious that they (the police) are doing that when one of their own starts counseling his fellow officers to cut down on the violence against citizens.

  7. General public only records cops because they got caught in the wrong. And trying to justify it by catching a cop in the wrong. PERIOD!!!!!
    If cops started recording the public and enforced laws off a recording ppl would have a fit. Oh wait they do speed cameras. Point being nobody likes a camera in there face.

  8. Nail on the head 1101

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    General public only records cops because they got caught in the wrong. And trying to justify it by catching a cop in the wrong. PERIOD!!!!!
    If cops started recording the public and enforced laws off a recording ppl would have a fit. Oh wait they do speed cameras. Point being nobody likes a camera in there face.

    December 4, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    Are you saying everyone who records a cop is/was/about to do something wrong? I can't believe anyone would say such a stupid remark. And I don't know which rock you live under, but the police DO record the public.

    Not to insult you, but are you very young or using drugs? What you said is just so totally illogical. (meaning false)

  10. A lot of you guys and gals sure can talk a lot of smack. Reading your posts I can tell that the same ones complaining now would be the ones crying if were to rid our society of all cops. If you can't handle the few out of line cops you sure couldn't handle the chaos of no cops. Because that scenario would never play out, you pansies will just keep clamoring. But oh how I wish it would!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A lot of you guys and gals sure can talk a lot of smack. Reading your posts I can tell that the same ones complaining now would be the ones crying if were to rid our society of all cops. If you can't handle the few out of line cops you sure couldn't handle the chaos of no cops. Because that scenario would never play out, you pansies will just keep clamoring. But oh how I wish it would!

    December 4, 2013 at 9:43 PM

    It seems to me cops talk the most smack. The FEW out of line cops? I think you are 442 again. You are just repeating the same lie we have been fed since we were born.

    Society WILL NOT collapse if there were no cops. Quite the contrary, communities would grow closer together, out of necessity if nothing else, to protect each other.

    Currently, we are more in danger of being assaulted or KILLED by cops than any criminal. Cops know they will probably get away with it, as has been happening, and are more apt to shoot somebody, or a pet, also which has been happening.

    You guys put way too much value on yourselves. You are not irreplaceable. Heck, if someone is too intelligent they will not even be hired as cops. That has been proven and reported on in the state of Conn. recently.

    Police in general have devolved into a legal gang. Even some cops cannot be silent any longer and are speaking out against the behaviors, abuses and attitudes of their own kind.

    You my friend are just delusional. Seriously. Maybe you are too close to the blue virus to actually be able to see what is happening. Or you're just too unintelligent to see it. Too arrogant to see it. Just don't care or all of the above and then some.

    At this point in time it does not matter what you say or think, or the others like you say or think. The curtain has been moved, and people see what is really behind it. And they don't like what they see.

    You were warned to choose wisely, and you failed to do so. You alone will live with the consequences of that choice. Good luck to you, you're going to need it.

  12. But oh how I wish it would!

    December 4, 2013 at 9:43 PM

    I wish it would too. And I hope you would be the first one I saw.


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