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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Corporatist Chamber Of Commerce Gets Behind Establishment Effort To Defeat Tea Party


  1. Chamber of Commerce and the Banksters run the country now.

    The Dems and the GOP don't, they are powerless.

    That is why you should vote independent only.

    But, you won't. 3 days before the election, you will be swayed with the fear that if you vote independent, even though the candidate is clearly the ome for the job, you will sway and settle for the lesser of two evils again, and continua a 100 year legacy that has just plain ruined the country and our Constitution.

    I can no longer help you, as you are suicidal.

  2. Lets be clear. It is government vs the people.
    The TEA party candidates are a threat to the government.
    The dumbocrats AND the establishment Republicans are for more and bigger government.


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