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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Candidates For Md. Governor Speak At Forum

Six candidates for governor of Maryland have outlined some of their plans to benefit the state's most populated county.

Three Democrats and three Republicans spoke Monday at a forum sponsored by a coalition of Montgomery County business, education and community-based groups.

Attorney General Doug Gansler, a Democrat, says he plans to cut the corporate tax rate to keep businesses in Maryland.

Del. Ron George, a Republican, backs a 10-percent across-the-board income tax cut.


  1. We need to coalesce around one solid conservative candidate and send the current governor to the unemployment line.

  2. go hang yourself...

    as usual, they spew the same old crap, what would the public LIKE TO HEAR and we will say it so they can hear it and once were in office, you screw them like the rest...

  3. Larry Hogan must of had a conflict?

  4. The current governor is not and cannot run 2:35. Get a clue, you give conservatives a bad name by showing ignorance.

  5. On a local level I saw Karl Anderson at the Fruitland FD and he was great! We need people who talk about how taxes are killing us and are willing to stand up in Annapolis.

  6. 338, get a clue yourself. We all are aware that Omalley cannot be Gov again, but he can still run for another office. Sending him to the unemployment line would be better than voting him into another office, DUH! Get a clue.

    And, yes, I'm sure the press will be accidentally leaving Larry Hogan out of the limelight as they fear that he might just get elected hands down. There in a nutshell is who to vote for.


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