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Sunday, December 08, 2013


Joe - Security Guards at PRMC just learned that as of February 1, 2014 they are fired. Will be replaced by private rent a cops. Over 25 lives affected.

Merry Christmas Peggy


  1. They won't have to provide health insurance or other benefits by making that decision.

  2. Obama'e hiring , go apply for security at federal army . com . communist.

  3. Free market at work. No news here, corporations and businesses even the government has been trending to outsourcing for years and years.

  4. Having worked for the Gov. for many years. I saw outsourcing become a priority. That was 20 years ago.
    This was obvious it's a firing, so they don't have to pay any benefits or vacation on the hospital budget.

  5. At least they have 2 months to plan.It could be much worse, ie no notice right before the holidays.

    Save some extra money, get those health issues addressed, use up your sick days, and start looking for that new position early.

  6. That is terrible Shame on Them!

  7. @ Anon 3:10... we'll see where "free market" and "outsourcing" will land this country!

    you see where we are right now after "years and years"

  8. So All Security Is Going? Just Wrong.......

    1. You let my daughter walk in there a late night shift and no one in the security area and she gets hurt or mugged... someone will here about it

  9. Peggy plays the fiddle as PRMC sinks into the Wicomico River. The so-leaders in this town should be up in arms about this.

  10. They are free to apply for a job with the rent a cops. They will be expanding will need to hire, and these guys know the building.

  11. 5:47 - the rent-a-cops will make them take a pay cut....probably only give them 29 hours a week - and make them buy their own equipment (somehow)!

  12. Obamacare at it's best. They really are not needed as PRMC looks empty. Walk through and you will see.

  13. Joe,
    Here's a story you never heard about.
    An ECI inmate was taken to the ER at PRMC for an "urgent" medical condition. The patient asked to use the restroom and the ECI guards let him. While using the bathroom the inmate charged a guard and tackled him to the ground and was able to remove the ECI guard's side arm. Another guard also jumped into the brawl and was able to remove the gun from the inmate's hands. The inmate ended up having his arm broken.
    There was NEVER any PRMC security stationed to maintain control of the inmate (as the SOP mandates). PRMC security was a big joke anyway.
    There was almost a mass murder at the ER in PRMC. The inmate would have most certainly shot his way out of that ER.
    And it's a story that never got released... until now.

  14. This could be punishment for getting an ECI inmate in trouble.

  15. So can we assume that the executive staff will be receiving their traditional yearly bonus? just curious?

  16. Most of these are probably over-weight, out-of-shape bums anyway.
    I wouldn't wait for them to protect me!

  17. USE OF FORCE IS AuthorizedDecember 3, 2013 at 8:29 PM

    The other ECI guard should have pulled his weapon and killed the inmate...

  18. You clowns don't get it do you? You voted for the moron, so deal with it OK?

  19. 6:29 PM

    Thanks for the tidbit about the inmate. I'm sure the ECI guards would not want anyone, including hospital security to be near their charge, so that should not bear any weight on them.

    8:29 PM I am surprised the other guard did not shoot him. He must have felt he could disarm the inmate without do so. As it happens that is what occurred.

    The inmate is lucky there were guards there and not cops as I am quite sure they would not have hesitated in shooting him. And probably would have been justified, THIS TIME.

  20. Real story about inmate is hospital security was on scene within minutes to assist correctional officers in take down of inmate. FyI inmate did not suffer from broken arm just a dislocated finger.

  21. Yes, Merry Christmas Peggy!

  22. 8:39 PM

    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. So do everyone a favor and hush okay

  23. Well at least it saves the higher up's big salaries that should be a plus.

  24. Hospitals and doctors nationwide are suffering the consequences of commie-care aka Obama-care.

  25. They couldn't protect citizens walking to and from the parking palace while on the payroll, what makes citizens think they will be safe with a rent-a-cop?


  27. The next thing you know, the hospital will have drive-thru surgeries, and operations to go in an attempt to save money on patient health, when most of the administration should take pay cuts. You will never live long enough to see that happen over there.

    Best medical health and attention can be found Anne Arundel Medical Ctr. or Johns Hopkins not PRMC.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The next thing you know, the hospital will have drive-thru surgeries, and operations to go in an attempt to save money on patient health, when most of the administration should take pay cuts. You will never live long enough to see that happen over there.

    Best medical health and attention can be found Anne Arundel Medical Ctr. or Johns Hopkins not PRMC.

    December 4, 2013 at 7:22 PM

    Oh absolutely. And kits they send you in the mail so you can do it yourself.

  29. 7:22 -

    Also at Kent General Hospital in Dover (but nor Beebe in Lewes).

  30. That decision probably makes much sense -- many large firms use contractors for security.

  31. In Baltimore, Mercy, Union Memorial and Mt. Sinai are as good as Hopkins in many things and better in some.

  32. ******Mr. Albero*******
    Along with this layoff, they hospital is no longer continue to contribute to their employee's retirement after the first of the year. This is the same as a pay reduction. Along with taken two days away from them. What is the incentive to continue to work there. The ship is sinking fast. Maybe they have over extended over the years. Does the public know they purchased Genesis not long ago. I believe there needs to be restructuring at the top before it becomes too late. The citizens in the area need to voice their concerns if they care enough to have a good hospital with good providers.

  33. Not only are they not matching the retirement anymore, but rumor has it that the ones who didn't take early retirement are the next on the chopping block in January. Merry Christmas, indeed

  34. Don't you people get it?.... The whole shore is in a tailspin.... PRMC is just another issue! It's sad to constantly read the complaining and finger pointing but no real solutions. This began along time ago when the good ole boys thinking progress was bad did what was best for them not the locals. Now with tourism lacking and farming hard as ever with no real money to be made the ole boys don't care.... They never did..... People now just drive thru Delmarva going some where else.....the locals here can't afford it anymore. The solutions do exist but unless you all wake up and get real it won't happen.

  35. Maybe the guards were interested in unionizing. A good way to stop them is outsource.

  36. If you think PRMC is hurting for money, just check out the massive new building they are putting up just South of BJ's in Milford.

  37. Fire them all start over


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