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Sunday, December 15, 2013


There's been an armed robbery at E. Church Street and Main Street, (Thursty's). A #1 Male wearing a hoodie. Just happened.

UPDATE: Suspect came into store. Used the ATM Machine, then pulled a gun out and robbed the store. The camera system got a really good picture of him, (so we're told). They took off in an older small red car. He was wearing a gray hoodie.


  1. So all of his information is on the ATM machine! WITH a time stamp!


    You can't make this stuff up!

  2. Were there any Skittles displayed?


  4. Hope it was another Muslim ripping off another one! This Jerk deserves it!

  5. Depends on which one you are referring to. Owner who works mornings is a nice man. I don't think anyone deserves a gun shoved in their face, jerk or not.

  6. 7:49 what are you talking about? The owner of that Thirsty's is Caucasian American.

  7. 7:49....don't waste your breath (or fingers) trying to explain something to a stereotypical, shallow minded, racist. Those are the people that make this area a not so nice place to live in. You will always have criminal elements, not sure how we can blame that on leadership. Also...why do so many of you thrive on talking about how bad this area is? If it is that bad, do us all a favor an move the hell away.

  8. we want to move but can't afford it.

  9. 10:11
    What? Are you kidding me? Who are you talking to? And yes this area is a welfare sewer so what is your point? Can you count the number of times this business has been held up at gunpoint and then say - don't complain about high crime? Idiot.

    1. Well, I guess you are here....how would you suggest that the local leaders keep low income people away? Oh...please tell. Your the idiot. HAHAHA. Waiting for your enlightening response.....that will never come.

  10. The owner is not a Caucasian American.
    Comes from Pakistan.
    Maybe one the local rappers shown in that video in front of the store was in on it.

  11. Don't patronize ANY business run by people of foreign descent! They come here get low or no interest loans and then Americans go to their business so they can send money back to their country. If I go in a business and see it isn't American I just leave. If we all did this they couldn't survive here. Think about it!

  12. These stores breed crime, which is ironic since this particular one caters to blacks, not by choice, but by demographics.

    On any given day you will see them walking home from the store with their quart of beer, brown bagged.
    They deal drugs in the parking lot and behind the store.

    What I question is why the craphole of a store on the corner of Naylor and E Church never seems to get robbed. Everyone else in that district has.

    1. These owners know they are opening a store in a crime area so let them reep what they sow.

  13. 10:11 that is not true. There are many lovely problem free neighborhoods surrounding that store. It's the trash that travels up E Church that is the problem.

    1. Re-read my response. "those" is the people that are being racist...not the owners of a store that happen to be a minority. RRRREEEAAAADD SSSSLLLLOOOOWWWWLLLLYYYYYY. Then respond.

  14. 8:13- That's hilarious. I don't know one store in our area owned by a Native American. Where you gonna shop?
    Do you even think before you spit out your ignorance?
    You are a foreigner too, unless you are Native American.

  15. Posted a comment on the thread with his mugshot.

    Salisbury is MUCH better off without this P.O.S. walking the streets! He is the perfect example of the decline of this area, had a run-in with him myself years back.


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