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Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Bill Would Nearly Double Federal Gasoline Tax

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) is introducing legislation that would nearly double the 18.4-cents-per-gallon federal gas tax that is traditionally used to pay for federal transportation projects.

Blumenauer's bill would increase the gas tax by 15 cents, matching a proposal that was included in the 2011 Simpson-Bowles budget reform recommendations.

The legislation would result in drivers paying an extra 33.4 cents per gallon on their purchases, in addition to state taxes.

Transportation advocates have pushed for a gas tax increase to close an approximately $20 billion shortfall in infrastructure funding that has developed as cars have grown more fuel efficient.



  1. What a wonderful idea! I think the government should just get it over with and have our paychecks made out to US Treasury. After all, they are smarter than we are and Obama is so compassionate because he knows what's best for us.

  2. This is just peachy. The Government owns the EPA. Together they require more efficient vehicles that use less fuel then realize they are loosing revenue from fuel taxes. So, they raise taxes. Hows the "hope and change" working for you Democrats now. Bunch of idiots.

  3. How about taxing all of the women who bought hybrid cars? Since the shortfall is on them... get your $20 billion from their pockets.

  4. How about those liberal democrats out helping the poor by raising taxes on everything we buy!

  5. You keep electing these slimy scumbags. NOW, you're unhappy that they are wringing you dry? That's what they do. Keep cheering. I'll keep buying guns and ammunition. We'll see which one is the best thing to do. Real soon.

  6. Mega inflation coming...
    Raise the tax on gas, and hike the minimum wage... Did we learn NOTHING from the carter administration?


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