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Thursday, December 26, 2013

An Incredible Christmas Story From A Viewer

So a 4 year old boy (as he held up 3 fingers) just broke/healed and made my Christmas. I stopped to gas up the car on base just now and the woman next to me is having a melt down. She is in tears, kicking the trash can and pump....I give her my best "its ok, holidays get to everyone look" when her son rolls his window down in the back seat. He smiles a huge blue eyed smile at me and says hi. I smile back and say Merry Christmas. His very anxious mom finally tried to smile and asked if I could keep a quick eye on him while she ran in (her card wasn't working). Since my gas was pumping and we were on base I said 'of course' and turned back to the boy.
He looks up and tells me he saw Santa last night. I ask him if he is ready for Santa to come and he says "NO, that's why I had to talk to him last night. We made a deal that he would take my toys to my Nana's house for when I get home. Mommy and me are taking daddy back home after his chopper crash and she says Santa can't come to the room we are in".

Well my throat swelled shut and I couldn't see through the tears as my head reeled from this angel picking his dads remains up with his mom. I busied myself so I didn't sob and swiped my card and began pumping gas in her car. An active duty guy next to us heard the boy and saw my distress and came right over and bent down to say hi. This young boy says "HI, my daddy looks like you at work too" and this Sgt says "I know he does ......your dad was a great man who loved you and mommy very much. Its hard for mommy right now but you promise to be a little soldier and remind mommy all the time how much daddy loves you both". This man looks at me with total understanding. We both know only too well how many families come through here.

I am sobbing just telling this story and you should have seen the snotty mess I was there............but I believe I got my Christmas miracle. I am touched beyond words at what is really important.

Be KIND....be FORGIVING.....be CARING.....and remember we all have demons and issues. Check on the lonely old lady next door, donate a blanket to a homeless person, buy someone dinner that looks down on their luck AND remember what it is like to be a truly GOOD person to another human being.


  1. I don't know how often this scene is played just up the road in Dover where our "hero's" bodies are returned....but my friend that experienced this on Christmas Eve....touched my heart forever.

  2. I am thankful that God has chosen to keep me alive in spite of myself.


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