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Monday, December 09, 2013


By Robert Quinn
Chapter 1
"The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are
those with something to hide."
Barack Obama - to Newsday, Aug. 22, 2010, NY

With the above words Barack Obama has indicted himself. In my previous letter I mentioned how Obama used his "Certification of Live Birth"(COLB),posted on a website,to deceptively claim for over two years that it confirmed his American natural-born citizenship status, as well as his Presidential eligibility status. In actual fact,his COLB had quickly been "branded" fraudulent by one computer expert after another. Even as he sequestered all his records from public viewing he was faced with a new threat. Individual States began considering requiring proof of Presidential eligibility from all candidates, in the form of a Certificate of Live Birth.

In 2009, to quell growing suspicions challenging his eligibility, and even his Country of Birth, Obama publically displayed,not a valid birth certificate, but a letter sent to Kapi' olaniMedical Center in Hawaii, stating that he was born there. How thoughtful-now even the Hospital would know. Actually, when Hawaiian State Senator Sam Sloan asked to view "baby" Obama's valid birth certificate the Hospital's Chief Operating Officer, Martha Stewart, would only confirm that a copy of Obama's above-mentioned letter (not a birth certificate) "hangs in the Administrative Section, away from public view and the original of it is stored in safe-keeping and protection" but she would not allow him to view it nor would she acknowledge the existence of a birth certificate of any kind in the Hospital's possession. Coincidentally, some Obama family members even claimed he was born in Queens Medical Center(Hawaii). In reality, a damning fact stands out. To this day, not one Hawaiian Hospital claims to be Obama's birth hospital. I repeat-not one! So much for the "vetting" process he and his defenders claim he underwent! Incidentally, I hope the Media's Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Karl Rove, Chris Matthews,etc. absorb those words. In a desperate effort to make Obama's eligibility appear legitimate, fraudulent documents were fabricated....and I mean "fabricated".

Chapter 2


Obama travels over the Country speaking to minority students who desperately seek financial aid for higher education and a better life (deservedly), yet he ignored a long-standing offer of the Globe Magazine to give him $100,000 to assist those students in return for producing a valid "Certificate of Live Birth". Again, a simple request....repaid with silence, an Obama trademark. His mantra seems to be:"if responding would threaten my legitimacy, I won't respond." ....and so he hasn't. Whose loss is it ? The students and our Country. Who cares? everyone but Obama. Having spent an estimated 3-5 million dollars (not including costs to the taxpayors) in legal fees to hide any information about himself should convince anyone that Obama very much fears disclosure! Is the name Barry Sortoro soon to come out of mothballs? A valid "Certificate of Live Birth", if any ever existed, would have saved Obama and our Country millions and the discord which he has caused.

I believe that the old adage about the tortoise and the hare is rapidly unfolding and that's why we should stand firm in exposing the deception which Obama has unleashed on America. Consider: when he released his COLB he said it matched the Hawaiian Health Dept. birth certificate. If so, that would make both COLB's, and, therefore, both ineligible. Two years later (April,2011), he then claimed that Hawaii "providentially" located and released to him a long-form Certificate of Live Birth which he started touting as a new proof of his eligibility. Incredible....a birth document never before seen, used or even mentioned suddenly appears! How little Obama must think of the American intelligence.His claim now would mean that the Hawaiian Health Dept. now has not one but two different copies of birth: a COLB and a long-form Certificate of Live Birth, both of which, by the way were overwhelmingly declared fraudulent by experts. Please stay tuned for more information.....it gets worse and sadder! 

(to be continued.)

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