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Tuesday, December 03, 2013

After 12 Yrs of U.S. Occupation, Afghanistan Sets Record for Growing Opium

After 12 years of occupation by U.S. military forces, Afghanistan set a record for growing opium poppies in 2013, according to newly released data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

“Opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan reached a sobering record high in 2013,” said the UNODC. “According to the 2013 Afghanistan Opium Survey, cultivation amounted to some 209,000 hectares, outstripping the earlier record in 2007 of 193,000 hectares, and representing a 36 per cent increase over 2012.”

In fact, according to the latest worldwide data on opium-poppy cultivation, Afghanistan dedicates more land to the cultivation of opium poppies than all of the rest of the world combined. 

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  1. Now you know why we are there and our boys and girls getting shot at

  2. FYI, opium production is up over 200% since the war started....I'm not saying there are some Ollie North's putting in work, but where there is a profit to be made...

  3. And here on the home front heroin use is skyrocketing....

  4. That's where Obama gets his from. That's why he wants us to stay, when he lied about being out of there by 2014.

  5. The CIA has to fund their black ops and regime overthrows, this is how it's done to stay anonymous.

  6. Your "representatives" are stamping this with their approval and billions of OUR tax dollars. Democrats and Republicans both. Drug profits and protection of racketeers don't have any party lines. Keep cheering and thinking "your guy" is going to be the guy to "change things". Hint for the very stupid --- NOTHING is changing, except for the amount of money getting passed around (that's going up and up, but you and I aren't getting any of it). Tell your sons and daughters to keep their head low over there and don't forget --- keep cheering.

  7. Yet marijuana is still illegal. And drugs created to help manage terminal are being prescribed for back pain because people are fat and don't exercise.

    Smoke some weed and go for a run or a swim, something. You will never have a better time. And you wont become addicted to anything but looking and feeling great.

  8. What a coincidence the crops are booming while our troops are there.


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