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Friday, December 20, 2013

Advocates Want To Change Md., D.C. Drunk Driving Law

WASHINGTON - Drunk driving kills - and that doesn't change around the holidays.

According to Jan Withers with Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 20 states now require all convicted drunk drivers to use an ignition interlock device. In Virginia, that applies to first time offenders. In Maryland and the District of Columbia, it doesn't.

Advocates like Withers want to see that changed.

"Interlocks have been shown to reduce DUI recidivism by 65 percent," says Withers.



  1. If you blow more than a .15 you can request an interlock device to keep your regular license until trial. If not after 45 days you must attend a hearing to determine whether you can drive or not, or get restricted (work, school) After DWI conviction now in MD they do offer interlock instead of revocation. Md is using the interlock device now... and it works... I am proof. So helped me realize that even when you think you are fine you are not. BTW, interlock fails at.025

  2. It's over kill in VA and it will be overkill here. Most first offense DUI offenders learn their lesson that time. Only subsequent offenders should be required to use this devise.
    Just more "get my name on some bill" so I can show 'em I did something BS is all this is.

  3. By the time most are caught for their first time dui, they have already driven drunk several times. It is not the first time they drove drunk, it is the first time they are CAUGHT.


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