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Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Viewer Comments On The Upcoming Mayor's Neighborhood Roundtable

The next Mayor’s Neighborhood Roundtable will be held Tuesday, December 17th at 1pm in Room 306 at the GOB. JaLeesa Tate, from the Planning and Zoning Office, will be conducting a presentation on rain barrels and attendees will learn what stormwater is and how it affects the quality of our waterways. The presentation will cover at home solutions to address our current conditions. In particular, we will discuss the benefits of rain barrels. She will also cover the proper way to install a rain barrel at your home or business. She will have rain barrels here, at the meeting, that you will be able to take home if you’d like to have one.

This is no longer a Mayor's Neighborhood Roundtable. Ireton is now inviting "guests" to be the speaker so he doesn't have to answer why the city is run down and there is so much crime. If the citizens wanted to know about rain barrels then we would look them up on the internet or go to Ace Hardware.

The Mayor's Neighborhood Roundtable was set up so that representatives from each of the established neighborhoods could voice their concerns to the Mayor. This is no longer happening because the Mayor is running away from the true issues of the city.


  1. City Council President Jake Day holds "Coffee with your Council" quarterly to discuss issues that citizens are having in their neighborhoods. Keep your ears peeled for the next one!

  2. I wish he would run away for good!
    I thought this was a neighborhood roundtable, coffee with council.

  3. It works for obama...

  4. 1pm on a Tuesday. Must be taking lessons from the fruitland council

  5. Those barrels are for rain? I thought they were out-urinals. Sorry to all of my neighbors who have them.

  6. Don't you know Ireton does not care what happens in your neighborhood, otherwise, he would be having these meetings more often and LISTEN instead of running his mouth.

  7. This is so funny. If every citizen in Salisbury had a rain barrel and utilized the water, the city would claim that usage is down and not as much is being metered. Then they would complain of less revenue and increase the water rate to make up for the loss. That's how Democrats operate.

  8. This meeting degenerated months ago when the mayor merely used it as a time to promote himself. Rarely listened to neighborhood input. Most neighborhood representatives stopped coming to meeting at all.

  9. There's no reason to hide behind a guest speaker. Nobody will show up Tuesday at 1pm, anyway. Everbody is working.

  10. He needs to take a lesson or 2 from the Worcester county sheriff's office. Sheriff Mason knows how to do things the right way. Have a community meeting where issues important to the people are discussed then as an added bonus have the guest speaker. For this round of Wor Co community meetings a lady from the Health Dept is speaking on rabies.

  11. Do we really have a mayor? Really?

  12. You are correct 12:04 PM. Liarton could care less about the citizens and the neighborhoods.

  13. anonymous 7:17, Do we really have a Council President? Really?

  14. Day should be too ashamed to show his face in public. The lawbreaker! As far as Ireton, well, there just are no words.

  15. We really don't have a Mayor or City Council President and they should both do us all a favor and resign immediately.

  16. This guest speaker for the Mayors Neighborhood Roundtable is a waste of time and a waste of city resources. My neighborhood is plagued with crime and run down houses and the mayor thinks we are interested in capturing rainwater. Guess what boy mayor I capture it every time it rains. Nature captures it the way it is supposed to be captured.

    We have so many houses foreclosed in my neighborhood and 90% of the houses are rental properties. This mayor thinks he is pulling one over on us by ignoring the real issues about crime and blight by hiding behind rainwater drums. We aren't that stupid!

    There is one thing to keep in mind. In the city of Salisbury there is no such thing as a Home Owners Association because their aren't any home owners. The only associations are neighborhood associations and they are full of transient people who could care less about the neighborhoods they rent in. There is a difference between house and home.

    I encourage every citizen and every neighborhood association president to stay home and boycott the roundtable meetings.


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