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Saturday, December 07, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: Does The Daily Times Actually Follow Their Own Rules?

Any time I see a raging article or post about the Daily Times, the Gannett Code of Ethics comes to mind. Maybe your readers would like to see it and make some comments about how well the Daily Times follows its own rules of conscience and performance.



  1. Wow.
    Not even close in some important areas.

  2. Joe,doesnt the media have to have their license renewed every so often as do banks with their community lending and where do citizens go to look at that?

  3. The code of ethics has more verbage than todays paper. The protective plastic bag was heavier than today's paper.

  4. After reading this, YES they follow their own rules.

  5. anonymous 2:31, You are full of crap.

  6. You actually need to have ETHICS before you can follow a code. The Daily Times has NO ethics, period. I quote from their so called code: "We will treat people with dignity, respect and compassion". Did they do that when they put my father's deceased body on display on their website less than 45 mins after he died and in print the next day?

    Laurie Pearson

  7. The Daily Times Sucks period. I stopped getting that liberal slanted piece of crap 5 years ago.

  8. Joe, I wrote the 2:31 PM comment, and I meant YES they follow their own rules, meaning the ones they make up as they go along, not YES they do follow the rules. Two ways to read that you know and by the way I am not full of crap.

  9. Haven't seen a paper times in 20 years, online is free, but there's nothing to click on. Everybody else has it covered. Goodnight, Moon...


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