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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Wicomico Child Advocacy Center Press Release


  1. If this turns out to be true, I'd be shocked! Bruce is a great guy! I have learned to never say never, though.

  2. Is it true he admitted it?

  3. Retired paramedic and volunteer of the Salisbury Fire Department. Current volunteer at the Fruitland Fire Department.

  4. Can't fathom what got into Bruce if this is true. I've known him and his entire family for 30+ years. This is truly a shock. I hope the child will get the help she will need.

  5. The only paramedic to retire from the City of Salisbury. What a shame.

  6. Bruce seems like a nice guy, but always gave me the creeps when I was around him. According to other news sources he admitted doing this. If I was the father and he admitted it he had better pray that the cops got to him before I did. Just was the Salisbury Fire Department needs is more dirt.

  7. Well if you are looking into the Step-Grandfather look into the Father also.

  8. I pray this is not true. I have grew up around Bruce. I have always believed he was a fantastic person and one hell of a paramedic to look up. :(

  9. To the person who mentioned the child's father, shame on you!! Wasn't it a trusted local physician who brutally abused many children in his care?!?!? So, I hardly think that him being a paramedic makes him a perfect person! Also, this little girl's dad is devastated and is in need of prayer as is this whole family!! Before you comment about a situation like this, make sure you know more before you toss out accusations towards another individual!! Especially against this little girls father!! This Bruce is a predator that has taken advantage of a little girl who trusted and loved him!! May God have mercy on his soul!!

  10. I am in awe that someone would have the nerve to basically accuse this little girls father! I am sickened by this man's actions!! He is supposed to be a pillar of our community?!? I hardly think that excuses his actions by any means!! Before an accusation like this is out, I would suggest getting more facts before making that accusation!! I can assure that this little girl's FATHER is devastated and this family is need of prayer!! May The Lord have mercy on this Bruce's soul!!

  11. OMG...is this the guy that owns Lifestar Ambulance ?

  12. 7:07
    Used to but not anymore.

  13. Bruce what the hell were you thinking? I have known you and your family for many years. I have worked with you and your brother all these years and respected both of you and grew to love you and was proud to call you a friend and a partner. I am heart broken and I am crushed. I pray for you and your family, but more than anything I pray for that little girl and anyone else you violated. That family trusted you and you did this to them? What the hell has gotten into you. If it was my daughter and I found out what you did our years of friendship would be over that moment that I heard about out. I am not sure I could protect our friendship at the expense of you did to my daughter so there would more than likely be no need for a judge. Not for you anyway. I have been thinking about this all day long and I pray this is false, but apparently you admitted to being guilty. I can never even say hi to you in public again. What the hell were you thinking. This proves that you can't trust anyone these days and you give a bad name to fathers and most men for that matter. What the hell got into you? Have you always been a predator? Have you done this to anyone else?

  14. Obviously Bruce is not the man anyone thought he was. He is a sick bastard. But if perverts showed signs, There probably wouldn't be any victims. And I wouldn't be Bruce's friend no matter who's daughter he molested. I think this may go a little deeper than a thinking process. And whoever mentioned the father... That was an ignorant thing to say! What do you mean, if there's one male sicko, check all the males? wth? This particular father happens to be incredible. And bless this little girl, for being so brave, and saving future little girls from what she was forced to endure. All the family members are victims. Please keep them in your prayers. I will.

  15. This is a sad case indeed. I hope the family find peace in such troubling times. If in fact Bruce did confess to this it is the first step in healing for all involved. This is one of the darkest of crimes. Bruce needs to stay the path and continue to seek the truth about a sickness that hurts so many children in our country. We read this stuff daily. It is pure evil.

    To the men and women who pursue justice for these children you are in my prayers. I know I would want to kill the s.o.b.s. I dont get it it is just so damaging to all involved.

    To the people making these horrid statements about the father of this poor child I hope you find whatever is wrong with your sick mind. Hell if you think you know something call the authorities I am sure they would love to hear what you have to say. My guess is you are just a sick person that needs help. Stop victimizing the family they have been through enough.

    People talk to your children this could be anyone of us in this situation. There are some sick people in this world that prey on our children.

    I pray for justice for this child and that she grows strong with a family that truly love her.

    I hope and pray that Bruce finds the deamon that made him do such evil things. The man saved many lives in his day. It is just baffling what in the hell makes a man do these things.

    When you tuck your kids in tonight remember just how precious they truly are. Keep a close watch on our future the children.

  16. Another black eye for the Salisbury Fire Department.

  17. anonymous 7:41, yes, it is a black eye. However, don't think for a second that the rest of the department, (as well as Fruitland) aren't overwhelmed with anger and confusion.

    It wasn't too many years ago this same thing happened in the Sheriff's Department.

    My only hope, (personally) is that IF a Firefighter or Police Officer etc. THINKS there may be a problem with one of their own they should report that person. There is no lower a human being can go than to take advantage of innocent children.

    Teachers, Firefighters, Clergy and Police Officers SHOULD be held to a higher standard in the law as children are trained to believe they are of the most trusted people in the public eye.

    I feel for the Fire Department right now. 99% of them are there for the right reason. 99% of them probably got into the business because they met or their family was involved in the FD when they were very young. IF this turns out to be true I believe those same 99% believe this person should get the maximum sentence allowed by law.

  18. it is a same if its true. bruce is a great guy and a well known person. the way the system works he will be convicted but you have david cox impersonate a police officer and get away with it. he is a highly hated person in the SFD

  19. I don't know what to believe in this situation----I know of people who
    have been innocent & yet if the child says so---The police assume it
    true ---thats all that's needed these days .
    If it's not true---I really feel for This man as he's going to have a heck of a time proving his innocence ! By the time the psychiatrist & others get through drilling the child---even if she knows it's not true---she'll began to belied it. Don't know how old this child was in this case. little children especially are so
    easy to convince to say things that aren't true.---Believe it!

    If it is true & can b proven beyond a shadow of a doubt---There's
    nothing he doesent deserve. It's a terrible , terrible thing for a child to have to endure & will stay with them the rest of their life!

  20. 12:07 PM I'm hoping it's not true, but I read somewhere that he admitted it after denying it. Apparently he admitted it after a "family" member told him to tell the truth. Bruce is soft hearted and has a weakness for honesty so maybe he caved into something that wasn't true. Only time will tell, but even if he is found not guilty I will be thinking in the back of my mind that what if it did happen.

    I don't trust anyone around my kids and I worry about them when they are with their mothers new husband. I don't trust him and maybe I am wrong, but I don't trust him. I don't trust anyone anymore.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Well if you are looking into the Step-Grandfather look into the Father also.

    First of all Bruce Fowler is not the step-grandfather so you don't know what you are talking about.

    Second you are accusing the father of molesting his own child? Maybe you are on to something so why don't you have the balls to sign your name and produce evidence you turd monkey.

  22. Bruce Fowler was also an auxiliary police officer at one time with the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. There is a plaque in the lobby of the old court house with his name on it.

  23. Anonymous said...
    it is a same if its true. bruce is a great guy and a well known person. the way the system works he will be convicted but you have david cox impersonate a police officer and get away with it. he is a highly hated person in the SFD

    November 7, 2013 at 10:49 AM

    I remember when Joe broke this story and David Cox was guilty of driving an unmarked police car with a light package. I don't know what happened with the charges, but a year later he got his job back, but he doesn't drive an unmarked police car any longer. Now he is rewarded with all the overtime he desires and they have made him an acting lieutenant. You can thank all this on the leadership of John Tull and Rick Hoppes.

  24. To 10:49 & 6:56........You obviously don't know David Cox personally, because if you did you would know he would never do that. And he is not hated within the SFD, infact he's very well liked by everyone. You will never meet a nicer human being. He earned his acting Lieutenant position and he doesn't get anymore over time than anyone else. Oh, and one more thing, he has absolutely nothing to do with what was originally posted so maybe you should keep your comments on topic and grow up. Jealously is a nasty thing...........

  25. Anonymous said...
    To 10:49 & 6:56........You obviously don't know David Cox personally, because if you did you would know he would never do that. And he is not hated within the SFD, infact he's very well liked by everyone. You will never meet a nicer human being. He earned his acting Lieutenant position and he doesn't get anymore over time than anyone else. Oh, and one more thing, he has absolutely nothing to do with what was originally posted so maybe you should keep your comments on topic and grow up. Jealously is a nasty thing...........

    November 9, 2013 at 12:11 AM

    Thanks Mom!

  26. Child Abuse is LEARNED behavior and runs MUCH deeper than one generation. So sad!!


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