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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why Obamacare Horror Is Just Beginning

'Liberals running scared' over 'virtual certainty' health takeover will fail

— The horror stories about Obamacare get worse daily, but what does it all mean?

Americans are so mesmerized by the daily revelations of abysmal Obamacare failures that few have stopped to wonder what will happen to health care, and the country, in the end.

A WND analysis of what is happening now, and what is likely to happen, indicates that it is a virtual certainty that Obamacare will fail.

What happens after that could be even worse.

First, a look at the ways in which Obamacare appears fatally flawed.

Then a look at what is likely to happen next.


1 comment:

  1. Talk about scary,my grandson dressed up in the Obamacare costume for Halloween.First he terrorized Nithsdale residents for a while and then went to Treat Street.People were giving him candy so he WOULD'NT come back.


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