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Thursday, November 07, 2013

What The US Government Spent Its Money On In 2013

Still living with the misguided idea that the bulk of government spending goes to defense? Wrong. As the just released Treasury refunding presentation shows, for yet another year in a row, the bulk of government outlays was for Medicare and Medicaid, as well as Social Security, both amounting to just shy of $900 billion in 2013, a sizable increase compared to the prior year. Defense spending? It declined once again to just over $600 billion, as did Interest outlays, which net of the Fed's remittances on interest payments, declined from under $500 billion to just about $400 billion in the past year.

1 comment:

  1. WE have been in a Gulf/Middle East war for how many years now? War causes an increase in Veteran disabilities which increases the money spent on social security, etc.


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