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Sunday, November 24, 2013

WATCH Obama Omit God While Reciting The Gettysburg Address


  1. what do you expect from a muslem

  2. So? Freedom of Religion. Maybe he was trying to be PC. Quit nitpicking the guy for crap like this. We have more than enough fodder in Obamacare

  3. He read the same version (original) that is in the Library of Congress. How does that translate to "Obama omits God"? You people really need to get a life beyond your raw hatred of the black man.

  4. 12:09 My exact thought! This nation under Allah!

  5. you and ur ilk need to get a life instead of having your nose in obammys hershey highway.

  6. In fact, he is reading the version that was given him. As 12:15 notes, this version is in the Library of Congress. There are actually 4-5 "official" versions. There obviously were no recordings of the address. Some versions include the word "God" and some do not. No one actually knows if Lincoln included God or not. The version that Obama read was chosen not by Obama but by the producers of the project where the address was read by many other people. In fact, yesterday, most Right leaning media sites retracted their criticism of Obamas reading once a few real facts about this leaked out.

  7. 12:09 What is a muslem?

  8. 12:15 Take your race card, and shove it up your a$$. The guy is an idiot, even if he were purple.

  9. 1215 he is HALF white.

  10. 12:15
    Maybe he should have read the copy that is displayed INSIDE the white house in the Lincoln bedroom which DOES mention God in it.

  11. Watch God one day leave out Obama.

  12. The one thing WORSE than this imposter, is the freaking morons who believe his lies and support his socialist ass.

    STOP dragging the rest of us down with you. Damnit.

  13. 132 it's pretty obvious these folks run off fantasy narratives and not facts

  14. 1:32 You are correct and I would guess it was Eisenhower who stuck God in there later. He did that everywhere he could, like on our money, and people think it was always there.

  15. 1:34 Muslim or Muslem they are both worthless scum.

  16. Not a big deal, but Obama still sucks.

  17. 3:58. Yeah. Agreed. But what do you expect when they are spoon fed this tripe every day.

  18. Anonymous said...
    So? Freedom of Religion. Maybe he was trying to be PC. Quit nitpicking the guy for crap like this. We have more than enough fodder in Obamacare

    November 21, 2013 at 12:12 PM

    Must have voted for the butt wipe!

  19. 3:52 said it all. Carry on

  20. 6:27 PM

    Thank you. Some seem to be more worried about the spelling of a word than what this ENEMY is doing to all of us and this country.

    It's a worn out cliche, but you really can't fix stupid.

  21. *facepalm.

    The irony of people who on one hand praise that we have all this liberty and freedom in the United States, and that's what makes this the greatest country in the world...

    then on the other hand are aghast if someone will not be forced into recognizing and falling into lockstep with their religious deity.

    Newsflash folks, those 2 ideas do NOT coincide. You don't have liberty and freedom if a religious view is forced upon anyone, or a religious litmus test is used.

    This is not debatable, nor is it negotiable.


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