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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Walmart Employees Organize Food Drive ... for Other Walmart Employees

The photo above was taken by a Walmart employee at the company’s Canton, Ohio store and sent to the Organization United for Respect for Walmart, or OUR Walmart, an group that supports employee actions at the retail chain’s store. It appears to show a food drive at a Walmart store being organized on behalf of the company’s own employees, suggesting that workers at the world’s largest retailer are unable to support themselves on their wages alone.

"Why would a company do that?" Vanessa Ferreira with OUR Walmart asked the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Monday, after receiving the photo from the Walmart employee. "The company needs to stand up and give them their 40 hours and a living wage, so they don't have to worry about whether they can afford Thanksgiving."

The employee who took the photo, who asked not to be identified for fear of losing their job, told the Plain Dealer that they had never seen a similar food drive for employees in a decade-plus working for the company, calling the sight of the bins last week “kind of depressing.”



  1. This is the reality of Walmart who incidentally was one of the major driving forces (others being banks that gov't contracts out for card services and food manufactures) behind the food entitlement programs and expansions. Consumers are fooled into thinking they are getting inexpensive goods but the real story is you are paying in other ways. An overwhelming number (upwards of 80%) of Walmart employees are getting some sort of gov't entitlement.

  2. Maybe I would if they would improve their customer service and attitude when looking for service or help!
    I'd rather give to a needy homeless person than a could care less walmart employee! We are all hurting and they are no exception!

  3. Worse, we're *all* paying for it in other ways, whether we shop at Walmart or not.

  4. Yeah... lets give $30/hour jobs to the uneducated Walmart and McDonald employee's.

    That'll solve the world problems and bring our country back to prosperity.

    It's also obviously Walmart's fault for inflation rates and the fact that $20 doesn't last that long anymore.


  5. 12:24 Maybe they should learn a skill/trade and better themselves? Oh, that's not fair, is it? Let's hand a low level employee and higher wage, while the skilled labor stays the same to help pay for the increase.

  6. what skilled labor? building a car?

  7. Most walmart products are made and produced in China where those workers make a quarter a day. The buyer of those walmart products is supporting China and taking away jobs from the US. So before you sympathize with the walmart workers, blame yourself for being a part of the problem.
    The reality is that walmart serves a critical purpose to the poor, and that is a good thing.
    To the workers who feel they are being mistreated, folks that is why you have feet. Go find another job.

  8. 4:05....right. Most economists now admit we have a SERVICE ECONOMY, not a MANUFACTURING one, which is where the money is at, as far as wages are concerned. so all these Wal-Mart worker just quit and go .....where? Wal-Mart doesn't just serve the poor...if you haven't been paying attention (or don't give a sh$t), the middle class is hanging on by a paycheck. Literally.

  9. I hate Walmart. They are the poster child for the corporate welfare Rand Paul speaks about. I've only been in the store maybe twice-last time many years ago in Dover well before any on the Eastern Shore were built. I saw what they were all about way back then.
    lmclain is correct. 4:05 is so off base and unaware of what's going on. Jobs such as offered by Walmart are now our Blue Collar types. They've replace factory jobs.


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