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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

US DOJ Cancels School Board Meeting Amid Protests Over Common Core Book

There is a controversy brewing in Volusia County, Florida over a particular textbook used to teach World History in the high school.

Prentice Hall, World History textbook was discussed by Todd Sterns on Sean Hannity’s show. It includes 36 pages devoted to Islam and a major chapter, but no chapters on any other religion. Prentice Hall is owned by Pearson.

The book was selected by Volusia County schools because it was aligned to Florida’s Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS). These mandated standards are established by the Florida Department of Education and are phase III of the Common Core. The Next Generation Label is used by the Common Core Consortia for the Science and Social Studies standards the are intended to follow the adoption of Math and English language Common Core standards.


  1. Time for book burning?

  2. Keep all religion out of all schools, books, teaching, etc.

    The end.

  3. So the anti common core crowd will scream, although it's pretty clear that the decision to use this book was 100% local.

  4. and our state and locals are closing their eyes to all this? and they are actually touting it's "goodness"? really? this is great for our children, right?

    parents WAKE-UP NOW. what are you waiting for? get your children out of the government schools. the educators here are clueless, blind and followers; not leaders.


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