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Friday, November 01, 2013

Top Dem Admits: 'We Knew'

House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer conceded to reporters today that Democrats knew people would not be able to keep their current health care plans under Obamacare and expressed qualified contrition for President Obama’s repeated vows to the contrary.

“We knew that there would be some policies that would not qualify and therefore people would be required to get more extensive coverage,” Hoyer said in response to a question from National Review Online.

Asked by another reporter how repeated statements by Obama to the contrary weren’t “misleading,” Hoyer said, “I don’t think the message was wrong. I think the message was accurate. It was not precise enough . . . [it] should have been caveated with ’assuming you have a policy that in fact does do what the bill is designed to do.’”



  1. ha ha ha that's quite the spin on a lie, like we misunderstood obammies direct quote....what he meant to say was....

  2. Steny is a lying POS and needs to be voted out of office,come guys we have had enough low life scumbag politicians like Steny Hoyer even the libtards should be disgusted by now.

  3. To peas in a pod. They are both liars. Lets just change the talking points. In other words, we didn't lie, we just didn't tell the truth.

  4. Hoyer is a POS 12:14 and so are any politicians including local ones who give him the time of day.
    I don't want to hear any of this respect BS, because respect is earned. Any politician, person, etc who stands next to him smiling and yucking it up with him are condoning his dishonesty and are showing their true colors and they are POS's themselves. This needs to be the end of civility. Civility has created this. Time to let these liars have it and if we can't do it by voting them out then it's time to humiliate them at every turn until they figure out it's us they work for.

  5. Now they try to quantify the lies by disparaging EXCELLENT health care plans as "sub-standard".
    Democrats have become Alinskycrats.

    Sycophants and liars all!

  6. Steny doesn't need to be voted out. He needs to be led out in hand cuffs and put an ounce of lead between his eyes. He and the Kenyan are both Traitors to the United States of America.


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