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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Three Armed Robberies In Salisbury Maryland Today?

Sources have informed me that there were three armed robberies in Salisbury today. My source said it came directly from a Salisbury Officer.

WBOC had an interview yesterday, (so I'm told) with Chief Duncan who admitted crime, (theft) was up in Salisbury. It should be known to all of you, I forwarded pictures and information to WBOC and the Daily Times about the 4 A/C units stolen from our roof tops and both have refused to publish/broadcast it.

I personally feel the public should be made aware of it as hundreds of units were stolen in the City and County over the summer. Many were taken from foreclosed homes. IF the public was made aware stuff like this was going on they might be more open to keeping a better eye on their neighbors and report suspicious  activity. 

It's a shame how vindictive the local media is. Maybe I should call it retaliation, I don't know. It's an even bigger shame that your local media covers up crime because of the pressure of local civic organizations putting pressure on them to try to keep everything nice in Salisbury. 

All is good though because it was published here and we get more local traffic than they do anyway. 


  1. Three more 'armed' robberies ya say..., how's those new gun laws workin' out for ya there MD?

  2. Well where were the armed robberies?

  3. Thank you for letting us know the real news in Salisbury. Some of the local "media" either choose to cover up, ignore or just don't care what is really going on... trouble in river city.

  4. The chief and mayor need to resign.

  5. The "natives" are gettin restless. Need some holiday shoppin cash.

  6. Once again maryland gun laws create fertile ground for criminals knowing the law abiding citizen is not armed. Thank your legislators and your socialist govenor. We will all be calling each other "comrade" soon. How long are the sheeple going to.tolerate this?

  7. Concerned College Student.November 8, 2013 at 7:25 AM

    I heard someone was involved in a strong arm armed robbery, and thirstys on church was involved in a armed robbery.

  8. An All American City

  9. Royal Farms on south division street was also robbed.

  10. Thank goodness the cops weren't there. I would hate to hear the outrage that they gunned down an innocent man that just made a few bad choices in his life.

  11. It would seem to me that business in this community is being greatly affected in the wallet by this level of crime. I refuse to shop at night and I know many people who feel the same as I do. This can only hurt big and small businesses. Why don't business owners do something about this problem?

  12. But Joe; with your "millions" of readers a day the public should be aware of the problems. After all, you are the one everyone turns to for up-to-date happenings in the county. If you print it then the public knows whats going on. Right???

  13. Maybe we concerned citizens of Wicomico county should hire a private security company to come in and make our streets safe.

  14. anonymous 10:33, Yes, no question about that. My point is merely that many people PAY to get the NEWS and they're not getting it.

    I started Salisbury News many years ago because I truly felt the TRUTH and the FACTS were NOT getting out to the public. As I've mentioned many times now, even the Chamber of Commerce wanted me to only publish NICE things about Salisbury when I was running for Mayor. I guess they thought I really needed the job.

    I'm not sure if your being sarcastic about the "millions" of viewers on Salisbury News but let me assure you I'd be happy to personally show you that when I say out hits are in the MILLIONS, I can prove it.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Thank goodness the cops weren't there. I would hate to hear the outrage that they gunned down an innocent man that just made a few bad choices in his life.

    November 8, 2013 at 9:53 AM

    So are we. And probably a few bystanders as well.

    Nice try Mr. passive-aggressive. Maybe next time.


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