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Sunday, November 03, 2013

The NSA Has Infiltrated The Clouds Of Both Yahoo And Google

The National Security Agency has secretly gained access to the main communications links connecting worldwide data centers of Yahoo and Google, Washington Post's Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani report.
The Post, citing documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials, details a project called MUSCULAR that sends reams of customer data from hundreds of millions of user accounts, including those of Americans, to NSA servers.

The program works by exploiting "clouds," which are massive data centers across continents that are connected by thousands of miles of fiber-optic cable that are used by the Silicon Valley giants to function with minimal data loss and system slowdowns.


1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding me? Google and Yahoo sell that info by the basketful all day long! They're making plenty off it! The NSA doesn't need to "steal" anything. That's just cover so we'll keep using them.


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