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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Shock Interview: Welfare Recipient: “I Get To Sit Home… I Get To Smoke Weed… We Still Gonna Get Paid”


  1. Sure makes it hard for people who really needs assistance! This is why the system needs reviewing. Worked all my life until I got almost 60 years old and have to fight every government application for help that might possibly be available to help me. SAD!!!!!

  2. The government put these programs in to effect to be a "temporary" help, not a lifestyle. But try telling that to the ones who have gone generations popping out kids just to be able to sit home & do nothing. So now the people who really need a little help can't get it.

  3. I kinda wish we could go back to Darwinism....survival of the fittest.

    These leeches would be gone so quickly - our heads would be spinning!

    The world would then be a nicer place for the remaining survivors!

  4. If Only The Right People Were Voted In, None Of This Would HappeN!!!

  5. What's your fat a$$ going to do if we tax payers quit working. You won't have anything then. You piece of garabge.

  6. Problem is there are more people on welfare and assistance that vote than those of us that really work. And the Dems know this and cow tow to them. Plus the Dems lov the immagrants... Republicans dont stand a chance

  7. So sad... that the government wont revoke these loser people that wont even try. Pisses me off, The whole SNAP/Welfare prgram needs to be redone... but will never happen. I worked 17 years for a company then got fired for BS reasons, I went on SNAP but looked for and got a job. There should be a time limit...

  8. Actually, we don't have to "go back to Darwinism". He didn't take evolution with him to the grave; it's evident all around us. Ever heard of MRSA? How about pesticide resistance? Unfortunately, natural selection is widely misunderstood. A common misconception is that survival of the fittest means survival of the strongest, smartest, etc. But in the context of evolution, fitness refers to the ability to reproduce. I'm willing to bet the welfare leeches (not all welfare recipients...I know some people need it and aren't abusing the system) reproduce much more than the hardworking, educated people who try to wait until they are financially stable and not have more kids than they can afford to pay for on their own. If this is the case, natural selection favors the leeches. I won't hold my breath waiting for this problem to get better.


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