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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ron Johnson: Obamacare 'Massive Fraud' Pushed On American Public

President Barack Obama's repeated promise, echoed by other Democrats, that Americans can keep their healthcare plans was "fully vetted, coldly calculated and carefully crafted" to sell Obamacare, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson accuses in this week's GOP address.

“Those assurances weren't slight exaggerations or innocent shadings of the truth,” Johnson said Saturday morning, The Hill reports.

“It was a political fraud echoed relentlessly by House and Senate Democrats who should be held accountable for the disastrous consequences of their grand deception," Johnson said.

Meanwhile, the "massive fraud" committed by Obama and Democrats would "bear serious legal ramifications" had it been in the private sector, rather than in the government, said Johnson. He also accused Obama of giving a "phony" apology that did not acknowledge fully his administration's responsibility in the misinformation.



  1. it is time for impeachent,so many people I know have lost their paid for insurance...it is a scam and it is scary.

  2. Well ... speak up Libtards ... cat got your tongue?

  3. especially bad considering most citizens were opposed in the first place.

  4. I did not loose my coverage but the same coverage cost me an additional $1800 a year. As a 67 year old male, I now have maternity coverage. Guess I will try to get pregnant now. What a crock of ship.

  5. 'High crimes and misdemeanors' are grounds for impeachmeant. Since when did fraud cease to be a crime?

  6. 10:30 PM

    Articles of impeachment have been filed against obammy SEVERAL times, in different years. But it seems it goes no further.

    They have now impeached holdout holder. Hopefully this will actually make it to trial.

    The country of Egypt has even filed criminal charges against obammy. What happens with them is anybodies guess. Probably the same as the impeachments.

    If there was any justice in this country, some drones would 'malfunction' and get rid of them and some other traitors in and around D.C.

    And it would also reduce the number of presidential hopefuls.


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