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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Restaurant Has No Choice: It’ll Allow Customer Who Didn’t Agree With Waitress’ Lifestyle Back

While it might seem unlikely that the customer who stiffed a waitress and wrote on the receipt that he or she didn’t agree with the lesbian waitress’ lifestyle would think, “Hmm, now’s a good time to go back there to eat,” if the patron decides to do so, it’s not like the restaurant could, or would, stop them from doing so.

“My initial reaction was a little angry, but if they come here we can’t stop them,” the general manager told the Courier-News in Bridgewater, N.J. “This is a public place. By law we can’t stop them.”

Meanwhile the waitress at the center of the media storm says she never expected to get as much attention as she has — customers are coming in just to see her and express their support, or leaving tips as “the tip she should have received.”



  1. Free speech is wonderful, isn't it? The defense of, and the promotion of.....

  2. Local Ruby Tuesday "Reserves the right ...." I was refused entrance to a restaurant in NJ 'cause I was wearing jeans ....

  3. Oh, so magnanimous of them!

  4. As a play on an old saying, one of my best friends is a queer. The world is sure changing isn't it?

  5. You can refuse service to anyone for any reason as a merchant. Sounds like the owner/management is a wuss. I don't have a problem with the customer not sharing a lifestyle, but you can always ask for another table.


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