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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Report: Fewer Than 50,000 Signed Up For Exchanges On Healthcare.Gov

Between 40,000 and 50,000 people signed up for private health insurance plans through the website for Obamacare exchanges, well short of the goal put forward by the White House, according to a new report.

Citing “people familiar with the matter,” The Wall Street Journal found that actual enrollments were roughly one-tenth of the Obama administration's goal for the first month of the public health exchanges. Administration officials had expected that about 500,000 people would sign up for new health plans during the month of October.

The Department of Health and Human Services has yet to officially release enrollment figures. A HHS spokeswoman again reiterated that such a tally would come later this week.



  1. That is not even all "signed up"...those numbers include people who just put their Obamacare in the "cart" but didn't actually BUY it yet...if it wasn't such a serious issue with socialist medicine, this would be funny as crap!

  2. how many are auto enrolls for the extended Medicaid rules? how many have PURCHASED? how many are double sign on's? this is a total failure!!!!!!!!!!! just like NObammi

  3. People who merely visit and read the front page on their PC's , then leave are getting phone calls from United and Blue Cross salesmen on their cellphone numbers, and the salesmen are asking for them BY NAME!!!!

    The site is so bugged and spied on it's ridiculous! I'll not go back there.

  4. can't help loving it...


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