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Friday, November 08, 2013

Refusing The Fruit Nazi Checkpoint & Driving Away


  1. Very few Americans will stand up for their rights , because they don't know what their rights are.
    Most have never seen a word in the bill of rights or the constitution.
    They don't even understand what these documents represent .
    We are a nation of followers , the pide piper is now Obama.
    I will take it a step further , most want a ruler that will tell them what to do and when to do it.
    They now have it!
    A good example is our prison system , most African Americans who were in a prison interview said " we have every thing we need here , tv , sports , education , free health care and visits from the family , all of this is free and we get paid for it.
    We have gone in reverse for 60 years , now we have hit a wall .
    Just listen to the Billy Graham special. He is my hero .

  2. love it great vid.

  3. This man deserves a lot of credit for standing up for what is right. I believe 5:24 is correct when he says most Americans don't even know what their rights are. We accept anything that the government does to us even if it's illegal. Frankly I'm more afraid of the government than anything else on this earth. People need to start thinking about where this country is heading and standing up and doing their part in confronting tyranny.

  4. I wonder how he feels about the current administration?

  5. he should have been tasered... the fruit nazi was just trying to keep our crops from being destroyed.. what's wrong with that???

  6. Loon. How about DUI checkpoints?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Loon. How about DUI checkpoints?

    November 8, 2013 at 3:43 PM

    Turn around and don't enter them.


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