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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Rand Paul: Benghazi Decisions ‘Should Preclude Hillary Clinton’ From Presidency

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told cadets at The Citadel in South Carolina today that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should be disqualified from being president because she did not provide “adequate security” to the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

“Her failure to provide our ambassador and his mission with adequate security should preclude Hillary Clinton from ever holding high office again,” Paul said Tuesday during a speech for The Citadel’s Greater Issues Series.

Without naming names, Paul said he believes the decision not to send reinforcement troops into Benghazi on the night of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack was made by a “politician,” not a military commander, and suggested that politician should not be allowed to serve as commander-in-chief.

“There were still people alive and fighting for hours upon hours, and there were some people in Tripoli who could have gone. I don’t think that decision was made by a military person. I think it was made ultimately by a politician,” Paul said.



  1. hahahahahahahaha...ahahahahahah, Rand Paul says what? ahahahahahahah.

  2. 5:21 - Another dem articulates his/her position.

  3. you have to excuse the first commenter, he is one of those who is spoon fed his opinion.

    Even john mcblame has finally gotten on board with repealing obammycare now. (again)

    the repubs are going forward with impeaching holdout holder.

    and I give the credit to us, the We The People, who kept on calling, emailing, protesting, etc., to our reps to hold those accountable in office who violate our trust first of all, and the law.

    the rest of you LEOs are also put on notice. we are going after the top leo, and you are next.

    for the first time in history, a prosecutor has been sentenced for misconduct and breaking the law. I should say a judge since he was promoted since the time of his misconduct.

    several cops have also been recently convicted and more are indicted and either standing trial or will be.

    I promise you, you will be held accountable too.


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