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Thursday, November 07, 2013

Presidents Obama And Putin Face Off As Putin Calls Kerry A Liar


  1. call a spade a spade

  2. Putin is just calling Kerry and Obama what they really are - LIARS
    Damn, didn't they ever learn when to keep their stupid mouths shut. Gonna get us in a war we really don't want to be in.

  3. I trust Putin a lot more than our lying POS President

  4. Hate to agree, but Putin is right. If Obama and Putin were both drowning at the same time I would have to save Putin first even if Obama was closer. At least Putin has never lied to me or tried to redistribute my earnings! And so far, Putin has been a man of his word. Can Obama or Kerry say the same??? Have we had enough yet??????

  5. At least when Putin calls Kerry and Obummer liars, then at least we know he's telling the truth.

  6. Well Clinton was left out. Killed Americans in Bengazi.Lied about it.

  7. Being right is much different than being able to trust Putin. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgement. Putin is a cold war through back and if you think he will not follow a similar path or subscribes to a different ideology you are likely wrong.

    Nevertheless thanks for speaking the truth Vlad.


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