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Friday, November 08, 2013

OF COURSE Obamacare Exchanges Will Be Manipulated

The Big Boys Manipulate EVERY Market … While Would Obamacare Be Any Different?

The following exchanges are being widely manipulated by big banks, hedge funds and other players:
Interest rates
Oil (and see this)
Gold and silver
Carbon (i.e. “cap and trade”)
Virtually all other commodities
Basically all exchanges

Why do you think Obamacare will be different?

The leverage which huge pots of cash, insider information and high-frequency trading give to the big banks and other big players makes exchanges an easy target.

The big boys play dirty.

And the Obama administration is allegedly exempting the Obamacare exchanges from anti-fraud standards

As the New York Times notes:
Billions could flow from Washington to Wall Street, indeed.


1 comment:

  1. Does ANYONE still think their "representatives" actually represent THEM??? LOL! I suppose the ones that do thinks others are wearing "tinfoil hats", but it damn sure beats wearing blinders.....


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