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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Obamacare Fast-Tracks Single Payer Via Medicaid Expansion

As I wrote earlier today, the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare has come with all sorts of surprises and unintended (or perhaps intended) consequences. Medicaid expansion creates a two-tier medical delivery system that forces all but the most well-off into a single-payer system. Indeed, Obamacare's similarities to Great Britain's NHS are becoming more apparent. Another way this is being accomplished: the removal of asset limits for Medicaid qualification.

Much was made of the guest opinion in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week - "Nicole Hopkins: ObamaCare Forced Mom Into Medicaid" - and rightfully so. Ms. Hopkins writes of her mother's attempt to use the health care exchange system, with a surprising result:

[Her mother's post on facebook reads] "I just received a notice: 'In order to comply with the new healthcare law, your current health plan will be discontinued on December 31, 2013.' Currently my premium is $276 and it is a stretch for me to cover. The new plan . . . are you ready . . . projected new rate $415.20. Now I can't afford health insurance."


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