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Friday, November 01, 2013

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

On Wednesday, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius testified before Congress about the continuing issues with the rollout of Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. “Hold me accountable for the debacle,” said Sebelius. “I’m responsible.” I attended the hearing, and I was struck by the scope, scale, and depth of the health law’s problems, problems that far exceed any one political appointee. But Obamacare’s disruption of the existing health insurance market—a disruption codified in law, and known to the administration—is only just beginning. And it’s far broader than recent media coverage has implied.



  1. If you want to point fingers start with the Congress that had to pass it before they could find out what's in it.

  2. Clinton was impeached for lying. Why is Congress not going after Obama? If they are afraid of race riots, so what, let her rip. Obama has built up an in house army with DHS and TSA and bought millions of rounds of ammo. He should have no problem now firing on the black population because he no longer needs their votes. Plus when was the last white riot? Whites don't burn down their own neighborhoods.

  3. 5:04..that is what started this mess. Freaking crazy that this is happening.

  4. Exactly 5:04. Point fingers.
    ZERO Republicans voted for OBAMA'S failed plans. 99% of DEMOCRATS did.

    Looked in a mirror lately?

  5. Did everybody catch what this lying beeeatch said when the mike was on--"Don't do this to me". I would bet that the mother of that little girl with the lung transplants Sebelius was going to let die also said "don't do this to me"...the Health Care Nazi said "some people live and some people die". Cold hearted bit*h


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