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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Obama: 'I'm Sorry' Americans Are Losing Insurance

Seeking to calm a growing furor, President Barack Obama said Thursday he's sorry Americans are losing health insurance plans he repeatedly said they could keep under his signature health care law. But the president stopped short of apologizing for making those promises in the first place.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he said in an interview with NBC News.

Signaling possible tweaks to the law, Obama said his administration was working to close "some of the holes and gaps" that were causing millions of Americans to get cancellation letters. Officials said he was referring to fixes the administration can make on its own, not legislative options some congressional lawmakers have proposed.



  1. He's sorry? Are you effing kidding me? That's it?

    Geesh, time to impeach. I'm sorry he won.

  2. He needs to apologize for being a liar and knowingly misrepresenting the truth to win an election.

  3. To think I voted for this fool.

  4. Obama is a lying a-hole


  5. Hopeless Liar; will not Change.

    Which is growing faster - his stack of lies or the national debt?

  6. Anyone who votes for a Democrat again should be sentenced to 4 years in the electric chair. Now, you want me to tell you how I really feel?

  7. He needs to resign effective: immediately.

  8. And we are addressed as "thet" and 'em. My daughter's husband and 2 year old will lose their insurance policy because they don't have maternity coverage. My family will lose ours because it is a very good individual plan paid through an HRA by my employer. Our son can get insurance, but only if his pre-existing condition isn't included and it will cost half of his monthly earnings.

  9. He knew from the begining, but wanted his crowning momen in office to move forward. He will always be known as the worset president in the history of American. I still think he is a radical muslim working to destroy America.

  10. If he's not impeached and doesn't resign then we are in ttrouble with China and Russia. You see, they think the clown is representative of all Americans. And right now he is pissing them off and they believe that Americans are supportive of his nonsense. Folks, we have BIG problems.

  11. He needs to be arrested and hung for treason or shot between the eyes. He is a Muslim Radical and a Traitor to the U.S. and anyone who voted for him is guilty.


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