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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Names And Faces You Might See Running For Wicomico County Council

 Muir Boda
 John Cannon
 Larry Dodd
Julie Brewington

I'd like to say that there are some new faces, new ideas, new blood, but from what I've seen and heard so far this is what you might get. 

Is there anyone else out there we might be missing?


  1. John Cannon i nothing but a $$$ man and is a condescending arrogant fool.

  2. Frightening choices.

    I know a few of them are doing it for nothing other than ego.
    Makes them feel important.
    Not at all for the benefit of the citizens.

  3. anonymous 12:10, Nope, not interested. I'm more a County Executive kind of guy a few years from now.

  4. John Cannon, second generation owner of some of Salisbury's scummiest home rentals and the tenants in them.

    Julie Brewington, professional flake.

  5. Marc Kilmer, far-right tea party wacko, is running, isn't he?

    1. we see where the Democrats have got us. So what's to lose .

  6. 12:26
    What is "wacko" about the TEA party?
    There are everyday folks who are fed up with too much government and too many taxes.
    They are from every walk of life. The only thing the TEA party threatens is establishment big government.
    What is "wacko" about that prey tell.

  7. Joe, PLEASE run for County Exec. Only you can save us!

  8. Most of these scare more than what we already have.....Whino's and RINO's.

    Flush the entire bunch - let's get some folks that serve the people!

  9. Run for the hills if this is the best we have to offer...but then again, who is their right mind wants to be in politics in this county. SMH

  10. DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS GUYNovember 8, 2013 at 1:13 PM

    CANNON the scumlord.

  11. What ever happened to Brian Kilgore? Successful businessman, fiscal conservative but with no hidden agendas. He is sorely missed on the school board.

  12. They are all not that bad. Get a grip. At least one has my vote and he is definitely for the people and not his ego. No hidden agendas with him either. Great guy and a great father.

    Please sign your name for more credibility.

  13. Marc Kilmer is a great choice.

  14. John Cannon is a bottom feeding slum lord.

  15. You can bet Muir Boda will be bought and owned by the slum lords just like his failed attempts at the city council elections.

  16. anonymous 12:22, Julie has been involved in the political arena for many years and could have a lot to offer. You should give each candidate a chance should she decide to run.

  17. 1:50
    I see you went anonymously, sign your name for more credibility.

  18. 1:50....hilarious. You want the guy to sign his name for credibility, but after your post, you stick with anonymous?

  19. must start at the local levels firstNovember 8, 2013 at 3:40 PM

    I'd like to see a TEA PARTY CANDIDATE win this

  20. We don't need anymore slumlords on any local councils or on the boards that oversee decisions!

  21. joe, in the past i thought you took issue with julie on several fronts. am i remembering wrong?

  22. What is a Tea Party Candidate?

  23. Could do without Dodd he is an idiot

  24. Larry Dodd is by far the best choice and I hope he decides to run. Thanks for posting this.

  25. I'm in Worcester but I would vote for Julie Brewington in a heartbeat. I don't know her personally but what I do know of her, her politics are generally in lockstep with mine. To me she seems like a regular person.

  26. I hear Prettyman may be running for County Executive.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Larry Dodd is the biggest liar I've ever known plus a Salisbury paramedic no thanks we don't need you.

  29. Ms. Brewington is a wacko!

  30. 5:56PM REALLY? I've known the woman for years & you are dead wrong.

  31. 5:51pm Prettyman would have my vote if she ran. Don't think she is though from what I hear.

  32. Are there any town or city council people that would consider taking the step for County Council?

  33. I live in the Morris Mill area and attended a public meeting about our water. A young man from Fruitlamd spoke on their behalf and seemed pretty sharp and down to earth. Can't recall his name, but it is people like that who should be involved in our County government.

  34. Boba & Cannon I would give a chance but Brewington & Dodd fall into the same category.

  35. anonymous 4:19, I firmly believe every candidate should have the opportunity to run for office. When and if they do they have every right to present their platform. Give it time and let's see what happens. At this point it's only a rumor and nothing is formal.

  36. John Cannon is a loser in more ways than one! Julie Brewington is right up there with him!

  37. 8:04, His name is Lee Outen, but I don't think he can run for County Council because he works for the county. You are right though, he is a dedicated worker and has a common sense approach.

  38. Everyone's a wacko is some way or another.

  39. Cannon has been there, don't need him back. Brewington is a drama queen, she needs her ego stroked to often to have time for office. Boda is a loser, a nice guy yet still a loser. Dodd is a cry baby another one that needs his ego stroked often.

  40. The entire Cannon family should pay for damages done to Salisbury & Wicomico Co. Slum Lord Lawyers, or should I say Liers. Cannon should stay out of the game and just be a scum sucking Real Estate Lawyer, oops isn't that what he is? I would say used car salesman, but I don't want to put the used car business down like that.

  41. It never ceases to amaze me how so many come on here "anonymously" and attack those people willing to put their names and reputations on the line to run for office.

    You'll defame them in every way possible, anonymously. It's no wonder so many good people refuse to get into the ring and help our communities.

    Then I sit back and watch certain people IN OFFICE with bankruptcies and even their own municipal wages garnished by creditors and you people keep voting them into office and manage multi million dollar budgets.

    Some are on food stamps and some are in subsidized housing. Look in the mirror Ladies & Gentlemen because YOU are the problem. Get out and vote before America completely falls apart.

    1. Joe, thank you for a very important comment. There are people that have chosen to run and people that have considered to run that are nothing more than "ordinary" people that want to make a difference. What is stopping them is not the dozens of hours of "volunteer" work per week, or the late night meetings. It is subjecting themselves and their families to people like some that have commented on this post. I know they say it takes thick skin to be a "politician", but on the local level, these are people that just want to help. Not be politicians. I know of a person that decided to do just that locally....to try and make a change, and they have. Unfortunately, that person is not going to run again. It is a loss for the community. People on here bitch about the good ole' boys and wanting something different, and they get it, and they still bitch. So what that leaves, is just the good ole boys getting re-elected. Why don't some of you get your asses off your couches and go sign up. You will find that it aint as easy as you think and then we can talk about you.

  42. There are two that I do not like the history of. The problem I am finding is substituting one "follow me puppet" for a new one.
    I am seriously working on moving but I will stay active because what happens in the city reverberates through out the county

  43. Anon 8:20AM, that is a joke isn't it?

  44. 8:54 (Outen) I hope you're kidding! But yes to Cannon.

    1. What is the basis for your comment? I think we need a common sense approach and someone who can get things done. He also doesn't have a special interest like so many others.

    2. And how can you verify that???!! Oh you cant.

    3. I am in private sector and have the pleasure of working with him on a few projects. I also happen to live in Fruitland and am glad that someone like him has been willing to give so much of their time. I would vote for him in a second. Are you insinuating he has some hidden agenda? If so, please enlighten me because I think you are full of crap.

  45. Marc Kilmer is an excellent choice. I only wish he lived im MY district.


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