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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Muslim Holiday Not Included On School Calendar

Montgomery County school officials have adopted a calendar for the next school year without taking action on a major Muslim holiday for students.

There has been a strong push in the Muslim community seeking to have schools closed for the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha. Muslim leaders said Montgomery schools closed for Christian and Jewish holidays.

But school officials noted the Islamic holidays will fall on non-school days in 2014.



  1. Good they dont like it get the hell out of the USA and they take Obama with them.

  2. They shouldn't close for any religious holiday.

  3. That is what is coming 2:04. All this anti Muslim talk is going to backfire and cause more alienation of all religions.

  4. Anonymous said...
    That is what is coming 2:04. All this anti Muslim talk is going to backfire and cause more alienation of all religions.

    November 19, 2013 at 2:13 PM

    What an idiot!

  5. Bush had it right, send them ALL on a taxpayer pre paid muslim holiday, to Guantanamo Bay Cuba, permanently.

  6. How about a free trip to get your 72 virgins?
    I hear one of them is Hellen Thomas.

    1. Love it 6:53. Helen sends her warmest regards.

  7. No school in America closes for a religious holiday any more. Period. Get over it.

  8. They do close for Christian & Jewish holidays, but not every one of them.

  9. 7:34 That should stop. Not because it's fair to muslims, but kids don't need any more indoctrination than they already receive.

  10. Maybe they should remember 911 and all the holidays the families of their victims will miss with their loved ones. If you don't like it, I'm sure there's regular flights to your corrupt islamic countries that don't celebrate Christian holidays. Please leave with the knowledge that most Americans would prefer that you rot in hell rather than live on American soil. Please leave and take allah and your koran with you.

  11. 734, I disagree. There is now "Winter Holidays" and "Spring Break". Nothing is named Chanukah, Christmas, or Easter any more, so what I said was true.

    Unless you could peruse the school calendar for another...


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