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Friday, November 15, 2013

More Demolition Near Feldman's

One portion of the old Feldman's building was the Ethan Allen store. It was recently purchased and a portion of the back half sold to Gillis/Gilkerson. The intent is to add additional parking spaces to their property. 


  1. I wish they would knock your building down with you in it!

  2. Wrecking and deleting buildings is not my idea of "Improvements", although a building in disrepair and not cost effective to renovate is certainly a candidate. Now, at least, there's more room for section 8 housing and new slums to be built like Jimmy wants! Hey, I know, let's charge the tenants for parking at their apartments, too! We could make them fed meters...

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I wish they would knock your building down with you in it!

    November 15, 2013 at 4:03 PM

    and if that happens, I hope you are underneath it when it falls.

  4. "The intent is to add additional parking spaces to their property."

    So, now somehow we need more parking downtown?

    If it's privately owned and the owner offers free parking, then Downtown stands a chance of coming back.

    If it's not, then it will just be another empty lot downtown.

  5. Why additional parking spaces. There are many unused spaces around now.

  6. Uh huh. They didn't get all the A/C units OR they would like to get the new, replacement ones.


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