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Friday, November 08, 2013

Maryland Middle School Requires Children To Cross Dress For “LGBTQ Appreciation Day”

Parents in the town of St. Leonard, MD were aghast after learning what the staff at Heritage Middle School required children to do for a passing grade. The outrage stems from an event held this past Monday, a day which the school had dubbed “LGBTQ Appreciation Day” instructing children to experience the homosexual lifestyle for a single school day or receive a failing grade.

Students were assigned the different roles throughout LGBTQ culture. Boys were given the task of being masculine homosexuals, feminine homosexuals, cross dressers and a wide variety of other gay archetypes. The young ladies were selected to be lip stick lesbians, or butch lesbians.

The students were partnered with members of the same sex and they were then made to role-played a day in the life of a gay couple. Holding hands, hugging and other innocent displays of affection were both encouraged and rewarded as extra credit by school officials.

This controversial event was the brainchild of school principle Caren Shandel. Caren is a longtime activist for gay rights and also holds the title of first openly transgendered school principle in the Nation. I spoke with Caren about her decision to hold LGBTQ Appreciation Day and she told me the following.



  1. These leaders are insane to put children thru this. They should be put in an institution, locked up & the key thrown away.

  2. 7:55,
    I understand your astonishment but one must realize that this is all part of the Progressive agenda. So it should not come as a suprise.
    Next will be the removal of societal taboo's and laws such as pedophylia,pre-teen relationships/marriage and the like... All done under the pretense of "..a deeper understanding of who we are, or I (we) need to be free."
    Any Progressive (read Liberal) reading this..how dare you deny this because this is where we are headed... and you know it!

  3. And the parents allowed it. I believe we have to realize that the leftists have taken over the education system; it is up to parents to have an active role in what their children are being taught. Keep them home if necessary - stay in control of yourselves and your kids.


  4. 8:20
    The parents did not allow it, they did not even know it was going on.
    Did you read the article, where the parents are suing the school?

    Parents can not possibly know every single thing that goes on in school.
    They send their children there trusting they will be taught like they were. Unless they are in each and every class, they have know way of knowing what it is like each and every day.

    I don't see how you can blame the parents.

  5. Wonder if this is part of common core.

  6. My children would not attend school that day!

  7. Euthanize her. She is a very ill piece of human debris.

  8. Where is the outrage sheepie.

  9. Leave it to gay peeps nobody woulf be left on the planet to nreed.

  10. Why not? Marryland has same sex marriages now. Transgender is next. Get use to it. Ha ha ha.

  11. 9:04...good try at a very weak and stupid comparison. HE was arrested. Doesn't sound much like "ok in your eyes" to me....about the story--- fire that ***** (you can fill in the blank with any derogatory and insulting adjective and noun you want --- they are all fitting).

  12. Good people are falling every day. They are falling into cancer. They are falling into doing things that we would never have thought possible and go beyond our belief system. These are times that you either pull in and live true to your values or join the insanity. It is a personal decision. We are far past individual opinion as to what is going on. You are either in or out. If you have decided to be something other than the problem than ACT LIKE IT. Be kind, keep your negative feelings behind you. Strive to be the change you wish to see in the world. OR simply attack this comment and fall in line with all that is wrong with this world today.

    1. You might have just stated the full truth, that you know about the word of God 9:57am. God does not want half hearted, maybe I will, maybe I won't sin filled souls, he will only take those that are all in, committed to God and his word. None of that sin filled hokey pokey with one foot in, and one foot out. You're either all the way in or hell will be your final reward. Redemption through Christ's salvation is just that simple, just that easy, to know where you will stand in the afterlife with God. I'm all the way in, recommitted every day, to the trinity, the father, the son, and the holy ghost. Amen

  13. If you would like to see Americas queer future, google "The truth about homosexuality and the Nazi Party".

  14. She should be fired!

  15. Not at all you atheist homo. If he's guilty he needs to be locked up for life.

  16. The MD School chancellor should be FIRED.

  17. yes fire the chancellor immediately.

  18. How can parents allow a principle who states "I want a outed person in every kids family"

    look it up about the transgender teacher .

  19. The parents should be arrested for child abuse for letting there children around these fools.

  20. talk about queers pushing their views on others, but its so wrong for christian to share theirs.

  21. What this Principle did was use extortion to meet "Its". None participation = Failure.

    That is not right. Forcing someones hand by threatening a negative outcome is also against the law. Its blackmail. When will people learn that the ends do not justify the means.

    I am appalled by this.

  22. Had to do something similar for a stupid Spanish class years ago in middle school. The teacher thought it a "great idea" for the boys and girls to cross dress to learn about Spanish dress culture. Then on top of that they decided to take pictures. I slapped that camera in the lens while the person tried to take a pic of me. People like this are sick and she should be fired. If I were a parent I would have been tempted to sue the school. Perverts like this should not be allowed anywhere near children. And before you go on "bigoted old fart" rant, I'll have you I'm a half Asian male in his early 20's. I would have gladly taken the F. This is disgusting.

  23. 11:55

    empathy is now a belief?

  24. These homosexuals are sick and perverted. Homosexuals are not Christians and now they are trying to push there sick agenda on our kids. Leave the kids out of it. These homos are trying to convince Christians to change there beliefs and go against the bible to accept their twisted lifestyle. If these queers want to go around and cross dressing and poking each other up the rear that is their business but they need to stop trying to shove their agenda on Americans that dont believe in it. Liberals are evil they want to take you guns they want to take your freedom of speech they want to take away your beliefs and they want everyone to become dependent upon the government.

  25. This is definitely sick and these people should be fired.

  26. 11:37 So, you agree that religion is a joke, in all forms? Since "christians" follow leviticus to fight against gays, do they also abstain from shrimp and crabs? Can't cherry pick your fights, right?

  27. 12:05 good for you, don't listen to that sheeple 12:12.

  28. I'd like to see it if a Christain principle forced kids to play the roll of a Christain for the day for a passing grade. I'm so tired of this crap being shoved down American's throats!

  29. The quality of comments here worries me for my children I hope I taught them enough to make good decisions in this pagan world. God, keep us close!.

  30. I'm with you, 607, this is scary. I hoop mine have the moral compass to lead, or at least ask me about these ideas!

  31. Criminal and disgusting. If the sick principal has no right thrusting her disgusting lifestyle onto these children.
    What a tramp! She should be removed from the job.

  32. PT Barnum once said "There's a sucker born every minute". So far in this comments section there are at least 36 suckers who believe this story is actually true.

    If the OP believes it too, make that 37.

  33. I'm not sure if this article is true or not. However, as a resident of St.Leonard MD I can tell you there is no middle school here. There isn't even one by that name in our county.

  34. 10:05 was that the cherry flavored koolaid you drank?
    I hear the red dye will fry your brain.

  35. "Annie Nonymous said...
    10:05 was that the cherry flavored koolaid you drank?
    I hear the red dye will fry your brain."

    Okay - make that 38.


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