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Sunday, November 10, 2013

MAC, Inc. Healthcare Symposium For 50+

MAC Inc. will hold a free educational symposium for the 50+ community on Friday, November 15 from 8:30a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. The symposium will cover insurance exchanges, Medicare, Medicare Part D (prescription program) and the Affordable Care Act. Information tables will be available and light refreshments will be served.

For more information, visit www.macinc.org.


  1. Would be nice if they did it after 5PM since most of have to work until death.

  2. obamacare? are you joking??? whatever you do don't sign up no matter what they tell you. the sight isn't secure and info is being lifted constantly. besides you just don't want to get tied up in this horrible system...

  3. What the hell is the affordable care act ? I thought is was Obama care act.
    Anyway what is MAC going to do when the website is a wreck?
    I think , make excuses for his highness "Obama".

  4. We have people who have paid health care premiums all their lives , now they have none. On the other hand we have minorities who have never paid a dime and have health care. WTF is happening?
    How can we get rid of this SOB of a president along with the crooked liberal butt heads.

  5. to 7:52 They are one and the same. People who voted for Obama thought it would be free health care. Educated people know that they are one and the same plan. Some TV station actually took a live poll on the streets and more than 50% of the people said they loved Obama care because it was free and that they hated the affordable care act because they had to pay for it.


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