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Sunday, November 24, 2013

It Begins: Pedophiles Call For Same Rights As Homosexuals

Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.

Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits. “Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.

In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. A group of psychiatrists with B4U-Act recently held a symposium proposing a new definition of pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders of the APA.

B4U-Act calls pedophiles “minor-attracted people.” The organization’s website states its purpose is to, “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma and fear.”



  1. Its time to stop talking and time to Lock and Load.

  2. I've always said that they can't be rehabilitated. That is their mental wiring. That would be like making a law against heterosexuality. You can't change because it is "illegal". So now what?

  3. Agreed 8:58, B4U-Act needs 2B-Dead!

  4. Word of warning to anyone even thinking about my children. Turn yourself in. You are safer in the hands of law enforcement than in my hands. Not a threat. Not a promise. A fact.

  5. This article is deceptive in nature. These pervert pedophiles are NOT asking for the same rights as homosexuals. They are asking for the same rights as EVERYBODY has.

    The deception is painting homosexuals in the same category as pedophiles, where there is NO resemblance at all.

    Here is the key item to remember, what 2 consenting ADULTS do in their bedroom is no concern of mine, or anyone else's. That's the distinction. Children, minors, are not capable of making complex relationship decisions, nor are they old enough to understand what consent is, nor are they old enough to consent.

    NO. Pervert Pedophiles DO NOT get the same rights as everyone else if they break the law, but comparing them to homosexuals is a deception, and a lie.


  6. Pedophiles are the same as homosexuals both are sick and pervertated and have mental disorders

  7. There is a huge difference between consenting adults and children. The vast majority of pedophiles seek out children of the opposite sex.
    Remember Thomas Legges?

  8. One of two things will happen....

    1. The pedophiles will succeed - this country will fall as the nation turns in to chaos.

    2. The pedophiles will fail - and the conservatives will use the same arguments against the homosexual community.

    I'm voting for #2!

  9. @ 11:46 You don't get a pass on that statement I'm afraid. If you make an assertion, you better be able to back it up.

    Please to give reason as to why they are both sick, perverted, or mental disorders. Unless you do, your statement of opinion lacks any credibility.

    I'll explain why for pedophiles for you. They prey on children who are not able to cope and handle what it means, and they are not old enough to consent to such relations. Easy. I did that one for you.

    Now, you explain why homosexuals are sick, perverted, and have mental disorders.

  10. Years ago there was a doctor in Baltimore who supported MBLA (Man boy love association) who attempted to PROVE that pedophiles could be cured of their problems (for the lack of a better way of putting it) and this doctor came up dry. The only thing he managed to do was to hurt several children by enabling pedophiles in his care. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!! This monster is NOTHING NEW!!

  11. There is nothing natural about being a homosexual 2 men going at from the rear is sick. Men running around in dresses. And women trying become men. These homosexuals have to go outside of there gayness if they want to have kids they can't have kids the way nature intended them to. These homosexuals make a choice to be gay they were not born gay.

  12. 12:32 Don't let him rustle your jimmies... he's a christ troll.

  13. @ 1:12

    What is natural is what can be naturally found in nature, and humans are not the only species of animal that practices homosexual behavior... so your assertion is incorrect.

    You described some of the behaviors, but did not substantiate WHY they are "sick, or perverted". Not at all. So please, try again.

    And, homosexuality is no more of a choice, than it was YOUR choice to be heterosexual. When did you choose to be attracted to people of the opposite sex? You didn't did you? You just were. Same applies for homosexuals.

  14. These pieces of propaganda sure do get the troglodytes excited. In the mean time twice as many states recognize marriage equality as did just one year ago.

  15. November 18, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    Obviously a pervert homo!!

  16. The same clown has hijacked this comments section over and over again to prove that being a goop gobbler is natural.

  17. The relationship, said marriage, of male & female yield life. Period!
    Just as 1 plus 1 equals 2.. no debate needed.
    male male/female female relationships does not equate to marriage.
    So now dear readers, read this article and scratch your heads in disbelief that pedophilia will become accepted.
    You are to be pitied since you are just another frog in the pot that is slowly increasing in temperature..
    How you like it now?...swimming in the bilge of our modern day society?

  18. 2:21 just because you try to justify being a homosexual and you find it acceptable in your life don't try to compare apples against oranges. Just because you don't have any standards and morals and you can't be a christian either don't try to give me your damn reasons about nature and anything you come up with to make homosexuality seem great. You can stand for good and evil at the same time.

  19. poor animals are euthanized for way less. put "it" to them!

  20. gay people are sick...yuck

  21. @9:50-standards and morals aren't something exclusive to Christianity. For some proof of that, merely look up atrocities like blood libels, the Crusades, the 30 Years War, etc. Sorry to burst your little god bubble, but maybe this knowledge will give you some modicum of intelligence. Doesn't really matter either way though, since thankfully most of America isn't as dumb as you are anymore.


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