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Thursday, November 21, 2013


Smith and Wesson trumps faulty stun gun

The newspaper in Lansing, Mich., came so close to getting it right: An intended victim of the Knockout Game pulled a gun and shot at his attacker. So far so good.

This version of the game had a twist: Instead of punching the victim in the face, the predator used a taser – a KL-800 Type Stun Gun capable of generating 1.8 million volts.

The assailants had scouted the site, the victim and even practiced firing the taser. But then it all went wrong. Or right.

When Marvell Weaver jammed the taser into the ribs of the still unidentified man and pulled the trigger, it jammed. The target pulled out his .40 caliber Smith and Wesson and shot Weaver as he tried to escape to the getaway van where two of his accomplices waited.



  1. This crap has got to stop and the only way for that to happen is for people to start "hitting" back. That won't happen until these so called "innocent" thugs get shot and they learn that you just can't go around beating, stabbing, knocking out, kicking, etc. anyone you feel like just because. We don't have reasonable carry laws in Maryland thanks to our socialistic governor, but that doesn't stop the thugs. So I say, and will start carrying. I'd rather be "judged by 12 than carried by 6", as the saying goes. People, we have a right and a duty to defend ourselves and families. It's obvious that the police can't be there to protect us but are only there to investigate after the fact. This is not a bash against the police, they're duty is to protect the "public" not the individual, that is up to us, the individuals. I'm not advocating vigilante justice and won't go looking for perps to take out, but I will not be a victim! I will remain anonymous to protect myself and my family from ignorant retaliation and physical targeting.

  2. Good for him!!

    For those pulling the race card though, you need a bit more education on the subject. These same type of jack@$$es doing this are the same ones that have been terrorizing black neighborhoods for decades. Ask anyone from the Bmore, Philly, or DC area. I guarantee they will have similar stories of being jumped, sucker punched, or threatened as kids/young adults.

  3. I agree. These "kids" are acting like animals so lets get them in cages or back to the wild where they belong.

  4. Governor O'Malley? You're response please.

  5. Would have been a happy ending if he shot his attacker dead. Alas, he had a .40cal. People kill me with their carry choices.

  6. If a group of blacks approaches you, keep your hand on the butt of your gun. If one of them look at you wrong or make any gesture, pull out your weapon and shoot it dead. The others should run, if not, empty your mag.

    Go home, eat dinner and go to bed. Do not call the police, media or your best friend. Go on with your life like it never happened.

    That is how they play THEIR game and that is how you will beat them at their own game.


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