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Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Work For The Government

My name is Ronn Torossian and I work for the government. Avid readers of Front Page Magazine may have thought I was a public relations firm owner and author, however, I work for the government more than I work for anyone else. This week, I was shocked when my accountant provided me with 2013 tax estimates showing that as a New York City resident, my effective tax rate will be 55 percent. What you read is correct, 55 percent of the year I work for the American government!

That being said, unlike most other government employees, I don’t have a guaranteed pension, don’t work plush hours of 9-to-5 with four weeks guaranteed vacation, actually have to be held accountable for what I do, assume responsibility for the employment of over 100 people, balance a budget…and work hard.

Let’s review where my astounding 55 percent taxes went. Nineteen percent of the federal government’s budget pays for “defense and security-related international activities,” which basically can be translated as ensuring that our country provides for despots and dictators while making sure no one harms Iran’s precious nuclear weapons. Of course, it will also pay to create havoc in the Middle East – none of which is in America’s interest. Twenty-two percent of the federal government’s budget pays for Social Security, which likely won’t exist when it’s my turn to depend on it.



  1. One of the many things he says is: Social security won't be there when it's my turn to DEPEND on it.

    SS was never envisioned for anyone to DEPEND on it, for those who do... you could have put a little a way for a long time and be INDEPENDENT of the government. Living on SS is patently ridiculous and you are the victim of your own problems... it's living in poverty---before and after so called retirement

  2. You put in time for the government , like all government employees , they don't really know what productive work is.
    It's not your fault , that's the way you were taught .
    I do not feel sorry for you , the government is the reason you won't have social security when you get old. Figure it out!

  3. You BOTH missed his point.

  4. There is only one point to consider Imclain , government out of control!


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