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Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Last week, the media went apoplectic after a 60 Minutes report on the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, turned out to be mistaken. Much of the report was based on the testimony of one Dylan Davies, a security contractor who said that he had climbed over the wall of the consulate in Benghazi and seen the body of Ambassador Chris Stevens. It turned out that Davies was lying, and 60 Minutes was fooled.
Media Matters, which uncovered the lie, promptly declared victory in its war on behalf of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with founder David Brock appearing on CNN’sReliable Sources to proclaim that he was right all along: Benghazi as a whole narrative was a “hoax.” Brock stated:
Everybody who's followed this story for the past thirteen months knows that the entire scandal is a hoax. The only reason the story exists is partisan politics. Republicans trying to sabotage health care and prevent Hillary Clinton from running for president.



  1. I personally don't want to see any form of prosecution in regard to this matter,not that there would have been.I just don't want her for a president.The fact that she's a woman has nothing to do with it.Just not HER for POTUS.

  2. I doubt that the 4 people killed in Benghazi think that she and her dictator president's lack of actions were any hoax. I doubt that all of the money stolen by Hillary and Bill from the whitewater cover up, where the other two co conspirators went to jail while the Billary's skated FREE was any hoax. Then the thief was given the Secretary of State job, and by WHO? Another crook, the dictator of the United States of America. Any thing this whole corrupt crew of crap is for, I and everyone that I know (family) are dead set against. They are proven liars and they're treacherous traitors, to everything that America used to stand for, fought and died for. Go down the list of recent past presidents that served and have some credibility/knowledge of the armed services. Who do you NOT see on that list? Otraitor and Slick Willey, all the rest are there. And these are the dirtballs leading our country straight into socialism.

  3. I read an article today about how all that Benghazi event was a staged kidnapping that went horribly wrong.

    Obammy was going to allow the ambassador to be kidnapped so he could negotiate a hostage release. Some blind sheik, muslim, whoever, was to be traded for the ambassador.

    That was the reason for the orders to the military to stand down.

    Of course at least two did not stand down and killed scores of terrorists.

    The terrorists then thought obammy double crossed them, and that's why they tortured and dragged the ambassador through the streets.

    Apparently this story is about a year old, first coming from a general and more recently from an admiral.

    It does sound plausible, but who knows if we will ever find out the truth about Benghazi, or any of the other 'fake' scandals.


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