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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

House GOP Leader Warns McAuliffe Over Executive Orders

Terry McAuliffe pledges to sign two executive orders on his first day as governor, but the leader of the GOP-controlled House of Delegates says the Democrat shouldn’t get too comfortable handing down edicts.

“Governor-elect McAuliffe has the ability to issue executive orders. This ability is not, however, an unlimited one,” House Speaker Bill Howell told Watchdog.org.

McAuliffe vowed to set a $100 gift cap on himself and his family, in response to the “gift gate” scandal that has embroiled Gov. Bob McDonnell.



  1. $100 gift cap!!

    That's droll considering he was bought and paid for by out of state operators!

    He could bathe 24/7 in bleach, Formula 409 and Tide for all 4 years and he'd still be an oily slime!


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